Chapter 2

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Sebastian walks to Ciel’s room to see him up already. “Sebastian where is that girl from last night?” Ciel asks. Sebastian walks over with a chuckle. “She’s still in her room. I think she was getting dressed. That reminds me young master she needs cloths that dress she had on is the only thing she has.” Sebastian says as he opens the curtans to the room. “Do you know why I hired her last night?” Ciel ask as he looks at Sebastian. “No my lord I don’t.” Sebastian says. He walks over to where his young master is sitting on the bed. “Go get her so she can do her job. I will have her dress me in the morning after you put on my eye patch.” Ciel says. After slapping Sebastian’s hand away from him. Sebastian puts on his eye patch then leaves the room. Lily was just walking out of her room when he walked down the hall.

“Good to see your up. You need to help the young lord get dressed.” Sebastian says. Lily nods and follows him all the way to Ciel’s room. “Good morning young master.” Lily says as she walks over to the closet to pick out an outfit for him. “The blue one with the black details.” Ciel says. Lily looks over at him then back to his cloths. “Yes my lord.” She says and Ciel laughs. “You sound like Sebastian. Call me young master.” Ciel says. Lily walks over with the clothes in her hand and holds them up to Ciel. “Is this what you wanted young master?” Lily asks. Ciel nods and lets Lily dress him. She follows Ciel and Sebastian down to the dining room. “Sit next to me Lily.” Ciel says as he points to the chair next to him. “Young master that would be inappropriate I will eat later.” Lily says with a small bow.

Ciel laughs and looks at Sebastian. “Miss. Lily you should eat with the young master like he asks. You’re the only one who hasn’t eaten besides the young master.” Sebastian says as he pulls out a chair for Lily. “All right but only this once.” Lily says. She sits by her new master and he throws darts at the others. “Young master that isn’t appropriate for a young man to do.” Lily says. Ciel laughs at her. “How many houses have you worked at?” Ciel asks as he turns to look at her. Sebastian was just now bringing the food out. “About ten.” Lily says before looking at the food set before her. Ciel laughs at her then starts to eat. “How old are you?” Ciel asks after a few bites. Lily refuses to look up. “How old are you young master?” Lily asks. Ciel slams his hands down on the table. “You will not question me now how old are you?” Ciel says.

“I turned eighteen about two days ago young master.” Lily said. She starts to eat again and doesn’t look up at her master. “When did you stop your last job?” Ciel asks. Lily stops eating to look up at Ciel. “They let me go on my birthday. The lady of the house thought I was a bad influence on her sons. They were both of marrying age and so was I. Her husband also had a taste for young girls.” Lily says. She left out the part where she fainted and spilled hot tea all over the lady of the house and had a fever the day before and of her arriving here. She still felt rather ill. Ciel finishes his food quickly and sits there drinking his tea. “We have some guest coming in tomorrow. I want Sebastian to show you around the house and have you memorized it by tonight.” Ciel says once Lily was done eating. “Yes young master.” Lily says bowing her head.  Ciel walks away leaving Lily alone with the others. “Miss. Lily help me with the dishes into the kitchen and then I will show you around.” Sebastian says.

          Lily stands with dishes in her hands and follows Sebastian to the kitchen where she helps him clean them. “You will need a new dress. I’ll get you one later tonight.” Sebastian says as he finishes with the last of the dishes. Lily blushes and gives him a small smile. “That would be nice. I’ve never had a new dress before. Well not in a long time.” Lily says. Sebastian takes her on a tour of the house and tells her what rooms are where. Lily starts to sway on her feet. When they got to Ciel’s study Lily was having a hard time walking straight. “Sebastian I’ll take my tea in here. Lily come over here. I want to talk to you more about yourself.” Ciel says. “Yes young master.” Lily says before taking a small step forward. She walks slowly over to her master but trips and falls. Sebastian was on his way out of the study when he heard a thump behind him. Looking behind him he sees Lily on the floor and blood coming from her head. “Sebastian help her.” Ciel says as he stands to see if she is all right.

          “She has a fever. The cut on her head is small and will heal fast. I wonder if she has been sick this whole time.” Sebastian says. Ciel moves Lily’s raven black hair out of her face.  Sebastian picks her up and carries her to her room Ciel follows behind him. “She needs new clothes.  Take care of that Sebastian.” Ciel says as he watches his butler clean and bandage the head wound before laying her in bed. They both leave the room and back to his study. Ciel looks around at the papers on his desk then to Sebastian. “How long will it take for her fever to go down?” Ciel asks.  Sebastian looks at his master then out the window. “I couldn’t tell you young master. If I knew how long she had the fever beforehand I could tell you better. Perhaps you should call Madame Red and have her come look over Miss. Lily. She could also give her some old night cloths and a dress or two.” Sebastian says. Ciel nods then walks over to the window. “Go get her then. Tell Mey-Rin to keep watch over her.” Ciel says.

          Sebastian bows then leaves Ciel alone in his study. “Mey-Rin sit with Miss. Lily until I come back with Madame Red.” Sebastian says when he sees her. He quickly travels to Madame Red’s house and once there is let inside by Grell. “Sebastian where is Ciel?” Madam Red asks once she is by the front door. “At home. We hired a new servant and need you to come take a look at her. Also if you have some old cloths that aren’t to fancy to give to her that would help.” Sebastian says. Madame Red nods and rushed upstairs with Grell behind her. Once the things are together they put them in the carriage and head to the Phantomhive manner. Madame Red wanted to go straight to Ciel before she looked at Lily.

          “Madame Red go look at my new servant then we can talk.” Ciel snaps after his aunt hugs him. She follows Sebastian to Lily’s room. Lily was sitting up in bed talking with Mey-Rin. “Miss. Lily you fainted and had a fever so we want you check up.” Sebastian says once he is in the room. “All right. Mey-Rin you can go. I’ll be fine with the doctor.” Lily says. Mey-Rin nods and leaves Lily alone with Madame Red, Grell and Sebastian. “How long have you been sick?” Madame Red asks. Lily looks at her then to Sebastian. “Three days.” Lily says as she looks at the ground. “Where did you live before coming here?” Madame Red asks as she places her hand on Lily’s head. “In the woods then here.” Lily says. She had spent a night in the woods which was cold and spent two days walking around looking for a job. Madame Red had Grell and Sebastian leave the room so she can examine her body and she gasps when she sees the scars on her back.

          After a long exam Madame Red deemed her sick with a simple cold and it would be gone in a day or two. Madame Red leaves the room meeting Grell and Sebastian. Lily stands and walks over to the bathroom and unwraps her head. There was blood on the bandage but no wound on her head. That was odd but she surged it off and walked to the tub. There was a knock on the door but Lily was busy filling the tub to answer the door. “You should be in bed.” Ciel yells when he walks into the bathroom. “Young master I’m sorry.” Lily says. Ciel walks over to her and pulls her over to the bed. Sebastian turns off the water in the tub before following his master. “Lay down.” Ciel says. Lily sits but doesn’t lay down. Sebastian smiles as he watches his master try to get his care taker to lay in bed and take care of herself.

          Lily sees a box in the room. “What is that?” Lily asks as she points at the box. Ciel sighs and sits on the bed by Lily. “Cloths for you. They aren’t new like I wanted to get you but they will be fine for now. I wanted to know more about you since your working for me. So you lay in the bed and I will sit here with you and talk.” Ciel says. Lily lays in the bed and looks at her master. “What do you want to know?” Lily asks. Ciel sits in the chair by the bed with Sebastian behind him and looks to be thinking. “Why didn’t you tell me about the fever?” Ciel asks. Lily takes a deep breath. “I was afraid you would fire me before my first day.” Lily says. “When did you start working?” Ciel asks as he leans forward. Lily looks thoughtful. “When I was thirteen. After the accident.” Lily says. She looked sad like she was remembering something bad. “What happened to make you work?” Sebastian asks from behind Ciel.

          “I was kidnapped and sold to a family.” Lily says. Ciel looks at her. “When? Do you know who took you?” Ciel asks. Lily sits up to look at them. “It was a week before my birthday when the men broke into our house. They were going to use me for ransomed at first then when they got the money from my parents decided to sell me for the right price. Double profit for them. I was at that house for half a year then moved to another then another then another. I picked up the skills I have throw all the jobs but I had to learn quick I had been a lady before.” Lily says. She lays back down and close her eyes. “She was a lady?” Ciel asks but Lily was already asleep.

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