44-Shopping Together

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Shopping was an activity most couples enjoyed doing together, for Luke and I it was the total opposite. Luke hates shopping with a passion, I on the other hand love it. Normally I go alone, but for some reason today Luke decided to tag along, which I knew would be a big mistake since he only lasted about 20 minutes before he started whining.

"Y/N are we almost done? This is so boring," Luke whines.

"Hey you wanted to come so you have to deal with it. We're only getting started," I tell him with a wide smile.

Luke frowns and follows behind me through the crowded grocery store.

"My feet are tired," he continues to whine.

"Well then get inside the cart," I joke.

But Luke indeed did not take it as a joke. His face lights up as he starts to crawl into the shopping cart. He looked hilarious since he is over 6ft and his legs dangled outside of the cart. People gave us strange looks as they walked by. But Luke did not care one little bit.

"Having fun down there?" I ask as he starts to giggle.

"Yes," he simply answers.

'Sometimes I swear I'm dating a 5 year old' I think to myself. But honestly I love his childishness. It makes him even more adorable.

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