19-You Break With Him But You Still Love Him

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Luke was leaving for tour. He was leaving me. I don't know if I can do this anymore. It hurt me so bad. I would always put on a fake smile and say I'm fine, even though I wasn't. I felt like I was holding him back from his dreams and I didn't want to feel like that anymore. I invited him over because I'm going to break up with him. It is going to break me to say those words. It will kill me inside. I  just feel like this is for the best. He knocks at my door. I've been crying for the last hour. "Y/N what's wrong?!?" He asks noticing my red eyes. I say nothing. I try not to cry. I walk up to my bedroom and he follows. I sit down on my bed and he comes and sits beside me. "Luke...I think we...should...break up...I just feel like I'm holding you back from your dreams. I-I..." I break down. Makeup was running down my face. "I just...want you to have fun on your tour and not be worrying about me. ..It also hurts Luke...a lot...not seeing you for months kills me...I don't want to hurt anymore." I say a between sobs. "Please Y/N...No...don't do this...I-I love you!" Luke sobs. It broke my heart to see him cry so hard. "I'm sorry Luke.... I-I just think it's for the best if we b-break up..." I say. "Y/N please! I promise... Y-you aren't holding me back! I-I will text you and call you everyday! I promise...please don't leave me...Y/N please...can't live without you." He begs. "I'm sorry Luke...I can't do this anymore." We sit in silence. I cry into my hands. "I'm sorry that I hurt you..." Luke sobs. He wipes away a tear and leaves my room. It huts so bad. But I didn't want to hold him back from his dreams.

{A Few Months Later}

I've been a wreak without him. I miss his stupid texts he would text me at 3 am. I miss him calling me and saying that he misses me and that he loves me and how he thinks I'm beautiful. I miss our short Skype calls, where he would sing to me and make me feel like the only girl in the world. I miss everything. He was back home now on a break from tour. I invited him over. I wanted to tell him how I felt. I answer the door. "What did you want to talk about? I don't have a lot of time." Luke says coldly. He follows me up to my room and sits next to me on my bed. "Luke...I've been a mess without you...I-I miss everything we used to do...I was wrong....I love you still...I can't live without you...I'm so sorry. Please forgive me..." I stutter. "I'm sorry Y/N but you broke my heart. I was depressed Y/N! You didn't even care! You didn't call me once to ask me if I was alright! I will never date you again, just for you to hurt me again. Besides, I've moved on. I have a new girlfriend who loves me and would never treat me like that. I'm sorry Y/N...I have to go." He stands up. I cry into my hands. He just leaves. He leaves me there to cry...alone. I made such a huge mistake. How will I live with myself knowing I lost the best thing that's ever happened to me? How will I live knowing I lost him?

{A Month Later}

Tour has just finished. Luke was back home. It still hurt. I made the biggest mistake ever. I've tried to move on..but I can't. So many times I just wanted to call him. But I know he didn't care. I know he didn't care that I was crying. He didn't care that I've seen pictures of him and his new girlfriend. He doesn't care that I will never find love again. He is doing fine without me. I know it. It was sad to know that he was fine without me. I bet he doesn't miss me. I bet he hasn't even thought about me. I'm sure he has forgotten about everything we had, while I'm here depressed and wishing we could start again. I knew that it is silly to wish such a thing but I can't help it. I love him...I still freaking love him. I decided to go to the park to just clear my head. I lay down under a tree and think about the memories Luke and I shared. I think about the I love you's and the kisses. The dates, the hugs. The secrets we shared. I remember how he could make me happy when I was sad, instantly. I thought about when he used to sing to me. I think about our chats about the future and how we will get married one day. But, suddenly my thoughts are interrupted. I feel someone sit next to me. It was Luke...it was to soon. "L-Luke...?" I stutter. "Hey." He says softly. "How's you uh...girlfriend?" I ask. I'm trying so hard not to cry, just seeing him again and knowing that I love him and he doesn't feel the same. But suddenly, I feel his lips on mine. I've missed his kiss so much. As we let go I ask. "W-why?" "I broke up with my girlfriend because I could t stop thinking about you." He says. "You couldn't stop thinking about me?" I ask in shock. I wipe away my tears. "Yeah." He mumbles. "Wait so you feel the same way?" I ask. "I've never stopped. I've never stopped loving you and...I never will." He says. He kisses me. "I-I love you too."

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