12-You're a famous singer

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I'm a new famous punk/pop singer. Today I am getting interviewed on a radio station. "Who is you're celebrity crush?" Asks the nosy interviewer. "Hmm..." I think for a moment. "Luke Hemmings from 5 seconds of summer," I answer. "Really? Why?" She asks. "Well...he's super talented and I love how passionate he is for music. He also seems kind of shy, which I think is cute. He also seems very sweet. He has an awesome accent. Not to mention he's adorable and don't get me started on his blue eyes," I say, blushing. "Have you ever met him?" She wonders. "No but I would love to meet him," I tell her. "Luke come on out!" She says. "Wait what???" I ask. Suddenly the tall Aussie comes into the room. My eyes get wide. "This is so embarrassing!" I say laughing. He gives me a hug and comes to sit next to me. I do a major face palm. "You okay?" The interviewer asks. "Yeah," I laugh as I look over at Luke who was blushing. "This is so cute! You're both blushing!" She exclaims. "So Y/N what are you thinking right now?" The interviewer wonders. "I'm star struck." I admit. "You're star stuck? I literally was jumping up and down when they invited me to meet you," Luke admits. "So I heard you have something to ask Y/N." I look curiously at Luke. "Well...my band and I were wondering if you would like to go on tour with us." He says smiling. "Wait! Are you serious?!?" I ask. "Yeah 100%." He replies. "Omg yes of course!" I answer. "Well ladies and gentlemen it's official! Y/N and 5sos are going on tour together!" Announces the interviewer. Did that really just happen? Am I seriously going on tour with 5 seconds of summer? I could hardly wait!

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