25-You Meet His Family

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"Are you ready Y/N?" Calls Luke from the living room. "Almost!" You yell back from your bedroom. You were doing some finishing touches on your makeup. "Just gotta get dressed." You mumble to yourself as you open your closet. You browse all your clothing. You pull out something casual, but not too casual. You get dressed and look in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect. Luke comes into your room and wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. "You look beautiful." He whispers in your ear. "Are you ready?" Luke asks staring at you in the mirror. "Yes I think so." You reply. "Okay let's go!" He says smiling. He takes you hand and leads you to his car.

You were going to Luke's parents house for dinner. You would be meeting his mum, dad and two brothers. You were nervous. You just really wanted them to like you. You park in his parent driveway. You take a deep breath. "You okay babe?" Luke asks. He could tell you were scared. "I'm just nervous, that's all." You confess. "You don't have to be nervous, they will love you okay?" "Okay. Thanks Luke." You say, getting out of the car. You hold his hand tightly as he rings the doorbell. A tall boy who looked a lot like Luke answered the door. "Hello! You must be Y/N!" He says with a large smile. "Hi!" You say shyly. "I'm Jack by the way." He says. "Nice to meet you Jack." You say shaking his hand. Soon Luke's mum, Liz, came over to you. She gives you a big hug. "It's so great to finally meet you!" Beams Liz. You smile and continue chatting with her. Soon Luke's other brother, Ben and his father, Andrew come to meet you. "Hi Y/N!" Says Ben, giving you a hug. "Wow Luke! You chose a pretty one!" Says Andrew giving me hug. Luke smiles at you and thinks about how happy he is to have you in his life.

You all make your way to the kitchen. "Do you need any help?" You ask to Liz who was in the kitchen cooking. "No I'm fine thank you love." She replies. Soon your all seated down for dinner. You sit between Luke and Jack. Across from you was Andrew. Beside Andrew was Ben and seated on the end was Liz. His family is so sweet so you didn't find it hard to make conversation. Talking to them came very natural. After dinner you all sit down in the living room. Luke excuses himself to the washroom.

"Want to see Luke as a baby?" Asks Liz. "Yes of course!" You laugh. She brings over a ton of old photo albums. You couldn't help but laugh at how tiny and adorable Luke was. "What are you guys laughing at?" Asks Luke, coming back into the living room. He sits down beside you. "Mother you didn't!" He says looking embarrassed. "Oh but I did!" Liz laughs. "Aww Luke you look so adorable in your little diaper!" You tease him. His face gets red. "Babe. Stop this is so embarrassing." He whines putting his face into your shoulder.

Soon it was time to leave. You say your goodbyes to his family. You and Luke get into his car. "I can't believe my mum showed you my baby pictures!" Says Luke doing a face palm. "Don't be embarrassed Luke, they were adorable!" You tease, squeezing his cheek. "Let's just go back to your house. A movie marathon sounds good." Says Luke looking over at you. You smile back in response.

You arrive home and you and Luke sit on the couch. "My family really like you." Luke tells you. "I really like them too." You say kissing his forehead. "I love you Y/N." "I love you too Lucas." "Now let's watch Mean Girls!" Yells Luke getting off the couch and putting in the movie. "Again? This is the 3rd time this week."

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