She's My Dragon Too

Start from the beginning

"What did you say?" I questioned, feeling Penelope stir from the tension that was building. "Go to the guild hall Eric, you can't come with us."

"And why not?!" Eric exploded, like I had never seen before. "She is my dragon slayer! She is my sister too! Serena is like my other half! If you and Penelope get to go, then I am going. There is no way on this earth that you can keep me from going to see Serena." Eric and I had a mini stare down, it was so intense that you could almost see sparks flying between us.

"Katherine it's okay," Grey slipped into my view, trying blocking out Eric, "I told the little guy he could come, there no real harm in him coming. Wendy and Natsu always bring their exceeds with them, and it wouldn't be fair to Eric if you made him stay here and took Penelope." Grey had this odd talent for pointing out the obvious when it was needed, was he even trying?

"No....I guess it wouldn't be fair." I responded in a pout. Talking to Grey was like talking to my sister, I felt like I had almost no power over what she said. "But I still don't think it's a good idea for him to come."

"You can have that opinion all you want Katherine, I am coming!" Eric lifted himself above Grey's shoulder so I could just see him.

"Fine you can come, but there is just one thing that we need to do before we leave." I had to hold back a small laugh as I took in what Gray was wearing, or I guess what he wasn't wearing.

"What?" Gray questioned obviously in the dark about his lack of cloths on.

"I don't think my sister wants to fight you while you're in your underwear." I chuckled, trying not to offend him too much.

"Damn it!" Gray exclaimed, taking in his outfit. "Why can't I break this habit?" He quickly scurried around for clothes before coming back fully dressed. "Let's go before they magically disappear again."

Gray and I started our death walk towards the meeting place with my sister. The faster we go this done, the faster I could come back to the guild hall and try to forget this whole ordeal happened.


Juvia POV

Why did I have to get sent on this stupid little mission while my love Gray was sent to the other side of the forest to deal with some water devil lady? What was this dragon sister thinking? Taking me away from my dear sweet Gray was a crime in itself that I would get her back for it later. But for now, I have to do what master said and go find Porlyusica. Too see if I could get a cure for whatever the other dragon lady had.

I slowly walked up to the door and knocked carefully, Porlyusica wasn't always the best people person; she actually hated people all together. No one had to do anything to set her off, just being human was enough to make her chase after you with a broom if she didn't want you around....which was all the time. I watched carefully as the door slowly opened and the crazy witch lady appeared.

"What the hell do you want?" She questioned through the crack in the door.

"I am sent here by the master, we have a problem." I answered meekly.

"Well the old fool wouldn't send someone here for nothing. Which brings me back to my first question....What the hell do you want?" She didn't move the door the entire time, and it was taking all my self-control to not get annoyed by her.

"Cobra the Dragon Slayer learned how to poison a soul. Master was wondering if you could help take the poison out." I explained to Porlyusica, cringing away slightly as I explained her part. "She is threatening the whole city with a giant water bubble that is sitting in the sky. If you go near it you get infected with poison. If you try to evaporate it the poison is air born. If you try to move it....I think you get the point. She is fighting Gray on the other side of the for-" Porlyusica raised her hand.

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