Chapter 15 : Flash

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--Steven's POV--

"I love you Connie." I say, looking deep into her beautiful eyes.

She blushes and makes the cutest face I have ever seen in my life. I look back, noticing that Sapphire and Amethyst are staring at us. Sapphire smiles, and clasps her hands together. Amethyst is just sitting their staring.

"What are you doing?" I ask to Sapphire.

She blows me a quick kiss.

"Baby, I made you breakfast." I hear Connie say.

I open my eyes, noticing that I'm in a bed. Connie is standing over me smiling, her hair is dangling down above my face. I rub my eyes, and slowly get up.

"Thanks honey." I say, slightly dazed from my slumber.

I pull myself out of bed, realizing that I only have a pair of boxers on. She gives me a quick kiss and walks out of the room. I walk over to the windows, and open the blinds. My eyes are met with the soft pink glow of Rose's Clouds. My eyes dart to a picture on the wall. I am in a black suit, holding Connie bridal style. She has a beautiful white dress on. I look down at my hand, and notice a silver wedding band.

"When did we get married?" I whisper to myself.

I open the dresser and put on my red T-Shirt with the yellow star on it. I put on a pair of jeans, and walk out to the kitchen. I sit down, about to eat, when I hear Connie scream. I get up run to where the scream came from. I enter the bathroom, almost tripping from how fast I was running. I see her standing with her hand over her mouth. I quickly turn her around, and see that she is staring at a white strip of plastic. She lifts her hand off of her mouth and reveals a huge smile. Tears are forming at the corners of her eyes. She drops the stick of plastic and looks at me.

"I'm pregnant!" She squeals.

I smile and lift her up into my arms. She starts laughing, then gets cut off when I crash my lips against hers. She instantly responds and wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her from the bathroom to the bedroom. I place her on the bed, not breaking the kiss.

"Hold my hand." She says, her voice trembled..

I open my eyes, and blink a few times. My eyes hurt from the intensity of light in the room. When my eyes adjust, I look at my wife. She is laying on a hospital bed, her hand is out-stretched to me. I hold onto her hand tightly as she tries to steady her breathing.

She lets out a few pained groans, "I think it's happening!"

She smiles, even though I could feel her pain. Sweat soaked her face. I winced in pain when it started to happen. The pain suddenly stopped.

"Daddy?" I soft voice spoke.

I opened my eyes, and saw a beautiful little girl. She was about six years old and I definitely knew who it was. I was knelt down, holding her hand. We were in front of a preschool. She smiled at me, holding my hand.

"Have a good day!" I say, as I kiss her forehead.

She runs off into the building as the teacher closes the door. I stand up and give Connie a side hug. She smiles, and gives me a kiss.

"She'll be a master in a few days." I rip my eyes open, and see Pearl in front of me.

She has a smirk on her face. I see my twelve year old daughter behind me fighting one of Pearl's Holograms. Her sword swung, blocking each hit. She back-flipped, slicing the Holo-Pearl in half. I smiled as she looked at me, stars in her eyes. I looked back to Pearl, and she had tears in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, clearly confused.

She wipes away her tears, "Rose would be so proud."

She looks back to my daughter and summons another Holo-Pearl.

My vision goes black, and my vision comes back again. Connie is staring into my eyes. I look at Sapphire, and she blows Connie a kiss too. Connie looks in my eyes, and smiles, before giving a me kiss.

--Author's Note--

Man, I'm being really nice lately. Two sweet chapters in a row! You guys deserve it! This books has 315 votes already! That's crazy! I'm on the top of the Steven x Connie section by a long shot! That's all thanks to you guys! I don't have any questions for today, so, just have good day!

Also, that was the best way to avoid a sex scene.  Freaking FUTURE VISION!!

Please, if you like this, leave a vote, this is future Jordan saying this, cause I'm already seeing silent readers that are commenting. :|

Don't be a silent reader, tell me watch you think! (And vote XD)

I love to hear your guys' amazing feedback!


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