Chapter 8 : Sparks

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--Connie's POV--

I feel soft pressure on my waist.  I open my eyes and notice that I am in a bed.  I moved, but quickly stopped when I noticed someone's arm around my waist.  It was Steven's arm.  I snuggled up against him.  The warmth of his body against mine felt so relaxing.

He took a deep breath, and moved his hand a way from me.  I turned around and noticed that he had just woke up.  He smiled softly and lifted my chin up with his hand.  He gave me a quick kiss and got out of the bed.

"Babe, do you want breakfast?"  He asked, summoning the door out into the beach house.

Wait, I'm his babe?

Aww, how sweet!

"Sure!" I said, crawling back under the covers.

I can't wrap my head around this. How could my life be so horrible and then come to this. This is heaven. Spending the rest of my life with him, would be amazing. I love him so much.

"Oh yah, I told the room to follow your instructions as well. So, you can do whatever you want." He shouted from the kitchen.

I looked around with a giant grin. I crawled out of bed, and it disappeared behind me.

"Can I have a puppy?" I looked into the clouds.

Suddenly, a small puppy appeared from clouds. I squealed in happiness from how cute the puppy was. I told the room to get rid of the puppy, and he proofed away. I looked around curiously.

"Can I have a kitten?" A kitten appeared.

It had light pink fur. It brushed up against my legs and purred softly. I picked her up. I turned around when I heard Steven walk through the door. He had a plate with eggs, bacon and toast. He handed me the plate.

"We need to talk." He reached his hand out into the air.

A whole living room appeared. He sat down on the couch, and he motioned me to sit with him. I walked over and sat beside him. He put his hand on the kitten in my arms, causing it to poof away.  He moved his hand to my lap.

"I don't want to rush this, but I feel like I should address this. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" I looked at him in the eyes.

I shook my head, "Of course I do."

He smiled, "Well, I'm going to stop aging when I'm twenty-two. I have the ability to keep you from aging, but I need to make sure you want this.... Do you?" He reached down for my hand.

"It's everything I could ever want." I embraced him, almost teary-eyed.

He pulled me away, and placed his hands on my shoulders.  He looked me in the eyes.

"In the next thousand years, who knows what could happen.  Homeworld could come, the world could plunge into war, a lot of things could happen.  It can be stressful.  If you ever feel like you're going to break, tell me.  I know things from before my lifetime from Rose.  If it is anyone, I can help you." 

"We need to make this official if we're already talking about thousands of years from now."  I locked my hand into his.

He blushed a deep red, and inched closer to my face.  Our lips touched, and a spark of.... love shot through my body.  We both pulled away.

"Did you feel that?"  I asked him.

He shook his head and smiled.

We both worriedly looked at each other when Garnet ran into his room.

"GET OUT HERE!"  Garnet screamed.

--Author's Note--


If you thought, "Hey!  That was a Steven Universe reference."  You'd be correct

I wonder what Garnet wants.  Theorize in the comments!

Your question of the day is, should Connie go to her parents?

Comment from 1-10  of how hard you ship them!!

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See yah next time!!


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