40. "My fluffy kitten"

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Erica picked me up the next day, expecting me to tell her everything that has happened between me and Ashton. 

"Lay off the horn, would ya? Miranda's taking a nap," I laugh quietly, snaking into Erica's brand new car she'd gotten for her Christmas present. It's a lovely leather interior, snazzy yellow exterior Porsche, and if I say that I'm not jealous, even a little, I'm absolutely lying. 

"She's ten, let her live," Erica rolls her eyes, flipping her long, dark hair over her shoulder. 

"She's eight, and she gets cranky when she doesn't have a nap."

"Same difference," she smiles, leaving the mansion I now reside in. "Have you sold your other house yet?" 

"No. We need to pack stuff still," I say absent minded, staring down at my iPhone, waiting for Ashton to text back.

"I have your Christmas present at the house," she reminds me.

"And I have yours, my fluffy kitten," I smile proudly. I put a lot of thought into the gift I'd gotten her. Honestly, what do you get the girl that already has everything?

That's simple: a gag gift.

That doesn't mean that I don't have a pretty ring and candy stashed in my pink Jansport bag, because I totally do. I just want to see her face when she opens the stupid gift I'd gotten her.

Dickhead: I still don't understand why you changed my name

Baby Girl: I felt like it

Dickhead: I don't like it

Baby Girl: Suck my dick

Dickhead: Um

Dickhead: Is there something you'd like to tell me?

Baby Girl: I ate ice cream for breakfast

Dickhead: That's not what I meant but okey love

I smile down at my phone. He makes my heart hurt.

"It's impolite to text someone while you're with your best friend," Erica taunts, plucking my phone from my hand.


She presses down on the home button and waits until Siri activates. "Siri, call Ashton-"

"His name is Dickhead," I smile.

"Fuck." She retries Siri, and this time uses the right name.

"Hey Ashton," Erica says as she puts him on speaker.

"Hi... Erica?"

"You guessed it. Anyways, since Mac finds you so entertaining, come over to my house okay? And bring Mikey. Okay, bye," she hangs up and throws my phone in my lap before putting both hands back on the steering wheel, much to my relief.

"He doesn't know where you live," I remind her.

"Yes, he does. He's dropped Calum off for bass lessons on multiple occasions."

"Fine," I huff. Looks like tonight is a double sleepover date.

"No! Put your left foot on red!" Michael shouts at Ashton, whose right foot is currently on red.

"I'm so confused!" he yells, nearly toppling over. 

"Don't crush us," says Erica in a warning tone.

"Because that's my life dream. Crushing my girlfriend and her best friend," Ashton remarks sarcastically.

"There is no need for your sarcasm, sir," I laugh. Ashton finally fixes his stance, complaining about his balls hurting.

"Mackayla! Left hand yellow!"

"How the hell?" I move my body, and although it's painful, I manage to do it.

"Baby," Michael coos to Erica, "Left foot green."

"No fucking way in hell," she says in spurts, trying to do as Michael says. It doesn't end up well. Erica falls on me, and Ashton is knocked to the side.

I groan in pain as Erica lays on top of me. "You're kind of comfy," she giggles.

"She's mine!" Ashton whines.

"Get off," I mumble into the mat of Twister.

"Nah, I like it here." Erica wiggles until she's comfortable.

"My boobs hurt!" I yell, trying to fling her off my back.

She says, "what boobs?" at the same time Ashton yells, "save the boobies!"

Somehow, Michael managed to get Erica off of me, and I rolled to the side, allowing my boobs to breathe.

"Um, Mac? I can see your bra," Michael points out.

"Fucking good! It was expensive!" I yell, moving the hair from my face to eye the platinum blonde boy. "Hey, Mikey?" I ask in a sweet voice. 

"Yes, darling?" he mimics me.

"Will you dye your hair lilac for my birthday? Pretty please?" I give my best puppy dog face, and immediately, I get what I want.

"Fine. But only because I love you," he snarls playfully.

"What 'bout me?" Ashton pouts. "I wanted you to dye your hair blue for years, and you love me more."

"I did dye my hair blue!"

"That was galaxy!" Ashton groans, tilting his head back in agnst. 

"Calm your tits," Erica laughs.

"They can't be calmed!"

"Ashton, honey," I say as I roll over to lay on top of him.

"Yes, baby girl?" 

"She's so not going to call you daddy, no matter how hard you try," Erica reminds Ashton, who just pouts.

"Anyways, I have a secret for you," I whisper in his ear.

"What's that?"

"You have a boner," I giggle as I kiss his neck.

"One, you're terrible at whispering, and two, yeah, you do Ash," Michael chuckles.

"You're too hot!" Ashton complains.

"Hot damn!" Erica yells in a sing-song voice. "She wants you to dress like a fireman!"

I roll my eyes. " I can tone it down a bit. Here," I offer, straddling Ashton's stomach. "When I put my hair up, I look like a guy. Oh, and if I do this, I have a double chin."

"You're still beautiful, babe," Ashton smiles, cupping my jaw in his hand.

"Actually, she really does look like a guy," Erica pipes up, leaving before I can shoot a glare at her.

"I know how to get rid of your boner!" I shout, thankful that Erica lives in a big house (and that we're home alone).

"Oh, God, get a room," Michael covers his eyes.

"All I have to do is put on my concentration face, remember?" 

"Oh my God," Ashton laughs. I stick out my tongue slightly and narrow my eyes. Ashton laughs away his boner.

"Wait, what did I miss?" Erica says as she enters the room with a bowl of pop corn.

"I'm good at getting rid of boners!" I laugh, stealing a handful of popcorn.

"I don't even want to know."

Short chapter, or shorter than usual. I feel like Ashton and Mac are becoming more comfortable in their relationship. And yeah. My thighs hurt really bad. Stupid fair.

Erin xx

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