12. "I had sex with you for nothing?"

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Just so everyone knows, July 2nd through the 7th I will be camping, which means no internet. I'll try to post as often as I can before then, and I might have new material after my vacation is over, so keep an eye out for that.

It seems as if I cannot spend the night in my own bed because, for the second night I a row, I've awaken in a boy's bed. It's becoming an increasingly annoying habit that desperately needs to be broken. This time, though, it's completely different.

And judging by the loose condom wrappers, the filled plastic thrown anywhere other than the bin and the ache in my thighs, we went at it all night.

Luke Hemmings lay with his arms around me, face pressed to my bare chest. Not only did I have a raging headache, but I caught sight of the clock- 3:46 p.m.

God, my Mum will kill me if I don't let her know where I am!

I try to wriggle out of Luke's grasp without waking him, but as soon as I started to move, his bright blue eyes shot open.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, seeming genuinely surprised, but then, the remains of last night flash in his eyes, and he mutters a quiet "oh".

"We can't tell anyone," I demand.

"Yeah, although, you're a pretty good fuck," he smirks, climbing out of bed. "Go take a shower. I'll find some clothes for you to wear and then I'll take you home."

I nod, eager to cleanse the night off of me, but rapping at the door cuts me short.

"Go," Luke urges, sliding his lean legs into sweats, completely forgetting about a shirt.

I run to the bathroom, shut and lock the door before getting into the shower.

I realized too late that I was going to smell like a man afterwards.

Luke's POV (A/N sorry for the POV change, but it's necessary)

I walk to the door hesitantly, afraid of who it might be. Peering through the eyehole, I sigh in relief when I see Ashton.

Fuck, Ashton.

He's going to kill me once he sees that I didn't take Mac home like he'd asked, but then again, it truly is his fault for making me drive a drunk, horny girl home.

I open the door to a grinning Ashton, who invites himself in.

"What's up?" I ask nervously.

"I came to see if you'd heard from Mackayla. She hasn't answered her phone," he replies, concerned.

Why the hell was he concerned about Mac?

"But, by the looks of it, you were quite busy last night," he smirks, noticing the condoms and clothing splayed around the room.

"Yeah, I was. The girl I picked up is in the shower," I blush, hoping he won't examine the clothing too closely to notice it's Mac's. "What about you, Ash? Mac said you left with someone last night?"

His face blushes red hot as his mouth turns into a frown.

"I left with this redhead, but we didn't do anything other than make out. I couldn't bring myself to do it," Ashton sighs. "I felt so guilty leaving Mackayla there, and I guess I still do."

The tap shuts off the shower, and I quickly grab sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt. "I'll be right back," I tell Ashton.

He nods and sits on the couch, pulling out his phone.

I knock on the bathroom door and wait for the she-devil to unlock it. "Ashton's here," I say as I let myself in.


"He's going to be so pissed at me!"

"No he won't. He doesn't care about me, remember? That's the whole reason why you had to pick me up last night," she exasperates.

"They didn't fuck! He felt guilty!"

"What!" she hisses. "I had sex with you for nothing?"

"I wouldn't say it was for nothing!" I whisper yell as she puts on the clothes I brought her. "Just stay in here while I figure out how to get rid of him," I snap.


I shut the bathroom door and turn, only to walk straight into Ashton.

"You know, Luke, I tried to call Mackayla's phone, and it's on the floor next to her clothes."

"Look, mate, I'm sorry, okay! She was pissed at you last night!"

"That does not give you the fucking right to fuck her!" he snarls, pinning me against the wall.

"I don't know why you care so much, Ashton! She's nobody!"

"She's somebody," he rages, "and she deserves more than a one night stand by someone who wouldn't give a fuck about her normally!"

"What is up with you? You left with another girl last night and-"

I push him off of me.

"That doesn't give you the right to-"

He hits me.

"Boys!" a sharp voice calls, tearing Ashton away from me.

We both look at Mac.

"Ashton, leave," she says softly.

"Okay, let's go," he says reaching for her.

"I'm staying with Luke."

Ashton's hands drop. He looks at me, raging, and then at her, heartbroken before storming out of my flat.

Ashton loves her, and that was not a part of the plan.

Ooh, what's the 'plan'? Guess you'll have to read to find out! Please vote/comment/add to your library!

Erin xx

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