21. "Can I kiss you?"

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After I had reapplied my makeup and changed into something more comfortable, it was time to meet Ashton in the park.

I check my teeth for ruby red lipstick stains one last time before running down the stairs, blonde hair tumbling after me.

"Where are you going, miss?" Phil's voice carries from the dim kitchen. Why the hell was he still up?

"Out," I reply simply, quickly making a direct escape route for the door.

"You're not going to meet Ashton are you?" I barely catch as I snake through the door. Trying not to fall, I sprint to the park. When I'm almost there, I stop to catch my breath. It'd be embarrassing if Ashton saw me out of breath.

Nearing the park, I can see lights around a tree, and upon closer inspection, I realize it's burning candles. Leading to the tree are rose petals, and although it's extremely cliché, I can't help but romanticize the idea.

"I thought you'd never show up," Ashton's voice purrs. He steps out from behind the huge oak tree. "I thought I'd show you what a real date is," he smiles softly, hands shoved in his pockets.

"You didn't ask me," I say, taking a step closer.

"You're right," he pauses. "Mackayla Rene Brook, would you do the honor of going on a date with me?"

"Hm, I'll have to think about it."

"Very funny," Ashton scowls.

"Yes, yes of course I'll go on a date with you, Ashton," I close the distance between us and place my hands on his chest. His hands automatically wrap around my waist; I'm beginning to like that.

"Good," his eyes light up beautifully, magically.

"So, what's a real date?"

"Well first, we have a quiet picnic overlooking a pond," he leads me to the sprawled blanket and makes me sit directly across from him. "Now, I know you've already ate, so I brought mostly sweets. I know you said sour gummy worms were your favorite candy, and how much you love chocolate covered strawberries, so I brought them. Oh, and some beer."

My heart warms knowing Ashton remembered that bit about me, considering it wasn't for the biography.

We much on chocolate strawberries and talk silly, as silly as the neon sour gummies look, and I enjoyed it. It wasn't awkward or boring, and I liked that with every sip of my beer.

"And after we eat, we dance," Ashton holds out a hand and sets a slow song on his phone before leading me to the grassy area next to the blanket.

He whispers sweet nothings in my ear, makes me giggle, and tells stories as we dance. It falls silent for a minute, and I realize how perfect tonight is.

"Thank you for tonight, Ashton," I look up at him.

"It's not over yet," he promises.

Still, we dance to song after song, just enjoying each other's presence.

"So what's next?" I ask when my feet start to hurt.

"Next, we lay down and stargaze."

I nod and allow him to take me back to the blanket, where we cuddle and look at the sky.

"This is perfect," I tell him.

"I wanted to show you what a real date was, because you deserve it," he whispers, as if to not disturb the night.

I go quiet. Ashton thinks so highly of me, and I like that, but he doesn't realize that he deserves that, too.

"Isn't this the part where you ask for a second date?" I speak up from the comfortable silence.

"Yeah, it is."

Again, I'm quiet, awaiting his question.

Ashton abruptly rolls on top of me, but holds his weight in a plank, inter-tangling our legs. "Wanna go on a second date?" he smiles a lopsided smile, noticing my startled expression.

"Yeah, I do," I laugh.

"Can I kiss you yet?"

My breath hitches in my throat, and all I can do is nod.

"You don't have to look so freaked out," Ashton chuckles as he dips down to meet my lips.

At first, it was a simple dry peck to test the waters, but then, it morphed to a more passionate, yet still hesitant, kiss.

And it felt like fire.

Fire burned from the pit of my stomach, erupted into fireworks and spread through every bone in my body. My mind fuzzed over as we continued to kiss, and all I could feel- taste- was him.

I wondered if that was all I'd ever need.

Ahhh! Short chapter, I know, sorry! But I had to update and ish so here you are. And damn, I've waited 21 chapters for that kiss fml.

Erin xx

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