16. "And failed miserably"

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 The school day came and went- slowly. Ashton decided not to show up, so I had to revise over the work I've already done. Of course, the day after I plan a new tactic, he's skipping.

Instead of sitting with Ashton at the farthest table in the corner, I sat with Erica and Luke, Michael and his partner, and Calum and his partner.

After five minutes of that damned class, I wanted to scream- and I almost did when Luke started to play with my hair. A dirty look from myself, Erica and Michael cut him short.

Now, I sit at my vanity, trying to apprehend exactly what the fuck is up with my face and how to fix it quickly, before Erica arrives and tortures me herself. She promised me a full makeover, deeming that I was incapable of doing my own primping and pampering. It's not like I've been doing this for six years or anything, right?

The party is at Kelsey Bishop's house, but not really her house. Most of the night, everyone will be on the property, which includes a big pond, dozens of trees sexually frustrated people will be hiding in and, of course, a barn. It wouldn't be complete without a barn and a silo.

I put on some makeup, trying to convince myself that I don't look that bad, but I really do. Maybe I should subdue to torture for an hour or two, so I don't have to do it myself and come out looking like a cheap-rate whore.

"Guess who?" a voice sings, stepping into my room.

"Um, Ed Sheeran?" I ask sarcastically. If Ed Sheeran was in my room, I would know immediately, and he would never leave.


"Close, but not quite. How about your best friend, Erica!" she feigns hurt as she presses her hand to her chest. "And I hope you don't mind, but I brought someone with me." I send her a quizzical look that soon morphs into a glare as none other than Michael Clifford peeks his head in.

"Hiya, Mac," he says in a high voice.

"Hiya, Mike," I mimic, suddenly at ease with his presence. "Come in, but shut the door."

"Alright," he shuts the door and sits in my desk chair as Erica walks over to investigate my face.

"You tried, didn't you?" she asks me.

"And failed miserably," I add.

She nods and clicks her tongue. "Go put your dress on. We'll go from there."

I pick up my dress and rush to the bathroom, not willing to leave Michael and Erica alone. I take off my baggy t-shirt and track shorts, shimmying into the dress and only hurting myself in the process a few times at most.

In my room, the curler is being heated, and Erica is inspecting the makeup she has to work with. Michael- I don't even know what he's doing.

"So," Erica starts, "I'm thinking a smokey eye look with-"

"I honestly don't care. Just do as you please with my face; make me less hideous."

"You're not hideous, right Mikey?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. You're not hideous Mackayla. You're slightly better looking than that," Michael grins. Erica shoots him a hard glare, but I just laugh.

"Ah, thanks Mike. It really means a lot coming from you," I sigh happily.

"Anytime, anytime. I'm here all night!"

The finished product was something spectacular, even if I did look like a prep. I'm okay with that though, because most people are too lazy to even try.

"You and Austin can ride with us. I don't want you alone with him, sorry," Erica gushes as we wait for Austin's arrival. I agree; Austin's scary.

He's one of those people that are so OCD that everything has to be perfect or they'll get depressed, and nothing is ever perfect, so he's always depressed. Bipolar, too.

Not the kind of bipolar Ashton is, because I trust that bipolar. That bipolar would never dream of hurting me physically.

With Austin, I'm not sure what to expect, as if he'll pull off to the side of the road, slit my throat and dump my body in a ditch.

So, yeah, I'd feel a whole lot safer if I was with Michael, someone who at least looks intimidating, even if on the inside he's actually a big ball off fluff.

 And sure enough, like we had expected, Austin arrives ten thirty on the dot, holding a dozen roses in his hands.

We're going to a party, not an actual legit date. Still, I accept the flowers and toss them on the couch. Austin may look nice, but he might want to kill you underneath that kindness.

So many people came to the party that the road space was taken up, and some people had to park in the grass. We, unfortunately were one of those people.

Erica and I giggle as a drunk girl walks by, high heels spiking the grass. At one point, she stumbles, only to be caught by Ashton.


The thought resonates in my head, and  I stare in jealousy as his arms wrapped around her waist.

Things just got complicated, but I'm going to smooth them out before the end of the night.

The things I do for my readers.. it's currently 6:49 in the morning.
I got up at 5:00 this morning.
I have a headache.
I look like utter crap.

But hey, I love you guys a lot, so here we go. I'll be back Tuesday.

Much love,

Erin xx

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