Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was walking around the halls of the arena alone. Chrissy wanted to stay in Florida with her godmother so I left her with Amy who didn't mind one bit. I was walking through the halls my eyes caught a glimpse of orange hair. Then I recognized it was Becky who they had me replace. She was talking to Paige and Charlotte. I heard them whispering.

"We have to take her out she doesn't fit in with us. We are glad you are back Becky." I heard the blonde say. I heard their whole plan. We had a tag match with team BAD tonight and they were going to leave me and Becky would come. Yeah well it is not going to work that way. I walked away looking around and I found Sasha. Her and I got along pretty well in NXT so perfect.

"Sasha." I said as I got close to her. She looked up at me and smiled and got up from her chair and gave me a hug which I returned.

"What's up mama?" I laughed she always called me that so did some other girls since I was one of the oldest and have a daughter.

"Becky's back and the other 2 want to take me out." I told her calmly. Her facial expression changed right away. She looked angry.

"Oh wait til I see them!" I grabbed her arm and sat her on the chair and crouched down to her level.

"I have a plan. We have a match tonight." She nodded and then came Naomi and Tamina. I explained to them what's going on and they looked angry to.

"So, this is how the match is gonna go..."


"This 6 diva tag match is set for one fall. Introducing first. Team BAD!"

Then it was our turn to go out. Paige's music hit and we walked out. I had the fakest smile plastered on my face. Charlotte and Sasha were the ones to start. They went at it for a while. Sasha was getting Charlotte good but then tagged in Naomi giving Charlotte the chance to tag in Paige I rolled my eyes.

I continued to watch the match. Tamina got in the ring with Paige. I tapped the ref on the shoulder and distracted him for about 30 seconds. That gave Sasha and Naomi the chance to take out Charlotte. I was the only one Paige could tag. I reached my arm out and called for her to tag me. But when she leaped to tag me in but as her hand went to slap mine I pulled it away and jumped off the apron. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Plan back fired huh?" I laughed and walked away. As I was walking up the ramp out came Becky I ran at her and speared her like there was no tomorrow. Then thee bell rang signaling the end of the match. I turned and saw Team Bad standing victorious. I smirked at them and gave them a small nod.

When I got backstage I ignored all the stares I got. I rolled my eyes and kept walking drinking my water. I haven't even been here a month and I already had 2 people almost turn on me. I entered the locker room and slammed the door. I was glad it was empty. I showered and put on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and sneakers. I packed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. When I exited the bathroom there stood Paige and Charlotte. I looked at them and kept walking. When a pale hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Why did you do that?" The raven haired girl screeched.

"I heard your damn plan. I knew you were going to turn on me anyway. You don't know who you're messing with Casper." I pulled my arm out of her grip and walked out. I knew Steph would want an explanation to I went to her office. I knocked and then went in.

"Look, I'm sorry Steph but I had to stop them before they turned on me."

"I know." She smiled sadly.

"Excuse me?" I laughed a little confused.

"Team Bad came to me and told me it all after the match. I'm sorry it didn't work out."

"It's alright. It just wasn't for me. I'll just go back to NXT and forget this ever happened." I was about to walk out when she called out to me.

"I called you to the main roster Jess. I want you to stay."

"But they are the only divas being used."

"I promise we will figure something out but I'm not sending you back to NXT I can promise you that Jess. You belong here as much as the other diva's do." I smiled at her and hugged the woman who I have been very close to for the past years.


"Jess!" I turned and saw a certain lunatic fringe running toward me. I smiled. He grabbed my face in his hands.

"What happened?" He asked. I took a deep breath and pulled him over to one of the crates. I sat on top of it and he stood in front of me arms crossed. I explained it all to him. I looked up at him and saw anger and amusement in his eyes.

"Trust me Ambrose I'm not completely like my brother." That caused him chuckle.

"Ambrose come on bro we are up soon." I turned and saw Roman Reigns.

"Well if it isn't little Miss. Cena." He smirked.

"Hi to you to Reigns." Ambrose gave me a hug and was about to walk with Reigns but he turned back around to me.

"Call me if you or Chrissy ever and I mean ever need anything." I smiled and nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks now go Roman is getting antsy." I giggled and sent pushed him toward the Samoan.


"You ready to go J?" Cesaro asked me. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my bag for me and we walked to the rental. He's been quiet lately. I sat in the passenger as he put the luggage in the back. He got in the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. We drove for about 45 minutes before he finally spoke.

"You and Ambrose are pretty close huh?" He asked. So this is why he's so quiet.

"I guess. I've known him since he was 18 actually when he was just some kid selling popcorn and setting up the ring. He's attractive sure but not my type if that's what you are getting to." I chuckled.

"Could I ask you a question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He asked nervously. He looked over at me briefly.


"Where's Chrissy's father?" I was taken back by the question but took a deep breath. I pulled out the dog tags from under my shirt.

"His name was James Evans. He was a marine. Killed in battle. Didn't see the enemy coming and was hit from behind. He was shot 5 times. He didn't survive. Chrissy was 2 when it happened. He was my high school sweetheart. We were together for almost 6 years if not more." I explained.

We had stopped at the gas station to make a stop before heading back on the road. I grabbed my purse and pulled out a and just stared at it. Claudio then got back into the car and saw me looking at the picture so I held it out for him to take it and look at it.

"That was the last photo of him and I together. This is why I really haven't dated. But I know if he could talk to me he would order me to find someone to make me happy . His best friend even tried but I just couldn't it feels like I'm betraying James. What's worse. We were supposed to get married 3 months after he was killed." I wiped the tears that fell from my face. Claudio handed the picture back and started to drive again. I rest my head on the window and closed my eyes falling asleep.

-Claudio's POV-

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She sure did go through a lot with losing Chrissy's father. I just hope maybe with me things could change. Maybe she could develop feelings for me. I just hope James will think I'm good enough for her.


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