Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

3rd person POV

Cesaro and Jess talked all through dinner they really connected. Chrissy couldn't help but smile seeing her mom with a man and actually having a good time. The waiters had just cleared up the plates and the music started up. The Swiss excused himself because he needed to use the restroom leaving the mother and daughter alone. Chrissy was about to say something to her mom but someone had come up to their table. Jess looked up and saw a two toned man. She rolled her eyes realizing it was the man who broke her brother's nose. Just looking at him made her blood boil.

"Well if it isn't the beautiful Jessica Cena." He said with a smirk on his face. The brunette rolled her eyes.

"Go away Rollins." She mumbled and took a sip from her water.

"Why so hostel Cena?" He faked hurt.

"I don't want to deal with a scumbag like you." Chrissy saw her mom was getting angry and that the man in front of them was pushing his limits. He then reached out and grabbed a piece of Jess' hair and started to twirl it but she slapped his hand away. Chrissy realized he was going to make it worse so she slipped away to go find someone.

"Oh good the brat left." Jess looked behind her and Chrissy wasn't there. She looked back at the man.

"What did you just say?" She spat at him.

"The brat. She left now we can talk about other things." He was about to grab Jess' waist but a hand connected with his He soon snapped out of it and started to tower over the woman.

"Is there a problem here?" There stood Stephanie and Hunter.

"She just slapped me out of nowhere!" Seth exclaimed.

"You deserved it! You were being mean to her!" They turned and there stood Chrissy with Cesaro. Stephanie raised a brow and Hunter was angry.

"Seth you are an idiot. Leave the woman alone." The game mumbled. The champ stood their shocked that they were scolding him and not the new girl.

"Wh-wh-what!! Why are you yelling at me!" The champ was acting like a child now. Jess rolled her eyes because they chose such an immature man for a champion. More like chumpion.

"Grow up Rollins. You sound like a child. Chrissy never even did that as a kid." Jess mumbled and looked up at her bossed her were trying not to laugh.

"I had such a great time thanks guys. But I think it's time Chrissy and I head out. I don't need to be around someone like him." Chrissy grabbed her mom's purse and then grabbed her hand. The mother and daughter smiled and then started going toward the exit of the room. As they were walking out Jess felt a hand on her wrist. She stopped and turned seeing Claudio there.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left." He mumbled to her. He felt if he didn't leave to go to the bathroom they would have stayed and the jackass wouldn't have showed up.

"It's fine Claudio. Nature was calling so you had to." She laughed. He then held out a piece of paper to her.

"If you ever want to just hang out, have come coffee, or even just talk that's my number." She smiled at him and put it in her purse. She flashed him a smile and so did Chrissy and with that they left.

John and Nikki watched the whole thing. Their plan was working. All John wanted was his sister happy and Nicole her best friend. Maybe just maybe they could get them together sooner rather than later.

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