Chapter 15

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Can't keep my hands to myself...

The crowd started to go crazy once they heard her music hit. Jess made her way down to the ring sporting a whole different look.

Jess stepped into the ring and looked at the crowd with the biggest smile on her face

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Jess stepped into the ring and looked at the crowd with the biggest smile on her face.

Jess stepped into the ring and looked at the crowd with the biggest smile on her face

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She raised the mic to her lips. "What's up!" The crowd cheered louder if that was even possible.

"What a crazy night tonight huh? First Shane O Mac returns! That was awesome by the way. But now me. I'm here to take what's rightfully mine that Diva's Championship. And I wi--" Jess was cut off by a certain McMahon.

"Can I help you Stephanie?" Jess rolled her eyes.

"Both you and my brother are so irrelevant these people don't care that you guys came back." The crowd booed proving her wrong."

"Oh really Stephanie. How about you come in here and I show you how 'irrelevant' I am." Jess smirked at her boss.  Stephanie started making her way into the ring. Jess took off her jacket and placed it on one of the top ropes. She then stood face to face with Stephanie McMahon. She was not going to back down.

"Why don't you get out of my ring little girl."

"Why don't you make me." 

Stephanie reached back and was going to land a slap on Jess' face but Jess saw it coming so she caught Stephanie by her wrist and gave her a slap of her own which also knocked her boss down to the mat. The crowd laughing at Stephanie and cheering for Jess.

"Who's the irrelevant now?" With that said Jess dropped the mic, grabbed her jacket, and exited backstage. 


Jess went back to the locker room and grabbed her bag so she could change. She changed into jeans, white Nike sneakers, and a t shirt with the WWE logo. She put everything else in her bag and grabbed her keys and started to walk out of the arena.

"Jess wait up a sec!" She turned around seeing Hunter jogging to her.


"We want to build up some drama and suspense with you and Steph so we want you gone for the next few weeks we will call you when we are ready for you." With that he didn't even let Jess answer he just walked away leaving the poor woman standing there confused. She finally snapped out of it and walked to her car opened the trunk threw her bag in and slammed the door shut. 


Jess took the first flight she could to Florida. If they were going to do this to her then she was going to make it worth while and just show them what they are missing out. By the time she got home it was almost noon on Tuesday. She st in the kitchen waiting for Chrissy to get home from school.

"Mom!" Was all Jess heard before she got tackled with a hug by her daughter.

"Hi baby. How was your day?"

"So much better now you are here! But wait why are you here?"

"Did you see Raw last night." Jess asked her daughter. 

"Yes! That was awesome! You knocked Stephanie to the ground!"

"Yeah well they weren't so happy about that."

"Awe man! But hey now you get to spend more time with me!" The young girl beamed at her mother. 

"Do you have any homework?"

"No me and Mrs. Lopez did it during free period."

"Good. Go get dressed. Something sporty though love."

"Yes mom."


"Come on baby let's go!" Jess yelled up to her daughter

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Come on baby let's go!" Jess yelled up to her daughter. Who came running down the stairs seconds later.

"Where are we going mom?" The ten year old asked curiously.

"You will see. Now come on get in the car love." Jess hopped in the driver's seat and Chrissy buckled up in the back seat behind her mother. Soon enough they were on their way to the destination.


"No way! Mom you have never brought me here before!" Chrissy squealed. Jess grabbed her bag and started making her way with Chrissy into the performance center. Jess just watched her daughter stare at the WWE, NXT, and other performers in awe. Jess checked in and got a pass for Chrissy so they wouldn't think she was some crazy fan who wandered in. 

"Oh and Miss. Jess." said the gentleman behind the counter.

"Yes?" she asked.

"You are needed in rehab room two. Someone is requesting you specifically." the older man smiled and Jess returned it and nodded. She looked down at Chrissy.

"Do you want to come with me? or Do you want to go with Alexa?" Jess asked her daughter. She knew she would more than likely go with Alexa.

"I'll go with Alexa. If that's okay."

"It's fine baby. Plus I'm not really sure what I'm needed for in there anyway so it's better you stay out here. Just be careful and keep an eye out at all times." 

"Yes mam!" Chrissy saluted. Jess kissed her head and made her way to rehab room two like the gentleman at the desk said. She knocked and heard a faint 'come in' When she opened the door there stood the one person she hasn't seen in a while nor thought she would see him so soon....

Author's note; I know it was a sucky chapter but I'm trying to get into the swing of things again. I will be updating as much as possible and when I can. I promise!

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