Chapter 18

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The past couple weeks have been fun. Colby spent a lot of time with Chrissy and I and he even helped out with taking her to school, picking her up, and with homework and projects. But a few days ago he had to head back home to see his parents and family so everything went somewhat back to normal. But right now Chrissy and I are getting ready to have some company over. 

I had decided to have a barbecue so I invited Jon and Renee, Joe and his wife and daughter, John and Nikki, Brie and Brian, and Colby but he's not around so he's the only one who can't be here

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I had decided to have a barbecue so I invited Jon and Renee, Joe and his wife and daughter, John and Nikki, Brie and Brian, and Colby but he's not around so he's the only one who can't be here. As I finished getting ready I walked downstairs to see my brother and Nikki in the kitchen with Chrissy.

"Happy Mother's Day!" I looked and saw a vase full of different colored flowers, a few mother's day balloons, and a wrapped present. Chrissy it picked up from the counter and handed it to me. I started to unwrap it and when I saw it I instantly started to tear up.

The heart was filled of pictures of me and her from when I was pregnant with her to up to only a few weeks ago

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The heart was filled of pictures of me and her from when I was pregnant with her to up to only a few weeks ago.

"I hope you like it mamma. Colby helped me with it." Chrissy smiled at me. But once Nikki and John heard her last sentence they looked at me very confused. Oh yeah maybe I hadn't informed them on Colby and I getting close. Oops.


Everyone had finally arrived even Mamma Bella who I adored so I of course would never say no to her. But as I sat at the edge of the pool just watching everyone mingle and Chrissy playing with Joelle, I couldn't feel a bit of sadness in all honesty. Do not get me wrong I adore and love everyone who is here but I can't help but miss Colby. I sighed and got up and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of wine when Nikki came in with Brie, Renee, and Galina, and stood next to me with her arms crossed leaning against the counter.

"So Colby huh? Colby Lopez? As in Seth Rollins? Care to explain." She questioned. All the other women just looked at me a smiled. I took a dead breath and took a sip of wine.

"A while ago I was at the performance center training when I got called into the rehab room because I was being requested. Colby was the one who was because his PT doctor had to leave and he knows I went to college for it so he asked for my help. It went from a one time thing to me being apart of his PT team in helping him get back. Then we grew very close. He came over a few times and then eventually stayed over for a couple weeks and even offered to stay with Chrissy while I was at Wrestle Mania. And he stayed with us up until a few days ago because he had to go back home."

"You miss him don't you?" She asked and I blushed and she elbowed me in the side playfully

"Yes I miss him, I got so used to him being here and Chrissy did too. The night he left she even cried. She asked me so many times why did he have to leave and when was he coming back.It broke my heart. He and I have been texting since he left but I haven't had the heart to tell him about the Chrissy thing because I know he would get on the next flight here to us and I don't want to take him away from his family. Him and I aren't dating so." I sighed.

"You and Chrissy mean more to me than you think." I froze. It couldn't be. I turned around and there was Colby standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. I finally snapped out of it and ran to him.

 I finally snapped out of it and ran to him

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"I missed you." I whispered as he kissed my head and then we pulled away.

"I missed you too" He smiled at me and then kissed me on the cheek. 

"Come and see everyone." He nodded and put his arm around my shoulders and proceeded to walk to the patio in the back.

"Look who was able to make it everyone!" I announced and smiled.

"COLBY!" was all that we heard and everyone turned to see Chrissy running through the patio and into Colby's arms. I couldn't help but smile and tear up a bit. My daughter has grown very fond of Colby more than I ever imagined.


We were all sitting around the table eating and passing the food around. I sat at the end of the table and then Colby to my left and Chrissy to my right. I stood up and raised up my glass of wine and everyone looked at me.

"I would like to thank all of you for being here. It had totally slipped my mind that it was Mother's day but you all still came and it means a lot to me. So here's to you and most of all the mommas." They all raised their drinks and then Colby stood up as I sat down.

"I would  love to thank this wonderful woman right next to me. Thanks to her I recovered so much faster than expected. So I would like to announce that I got a from Hunter saying that he wants me to return in the end of this month." Everyone started cheering and congratulating him but then he continued.

"But then I got another call after from Vince saying he's heard of my closeness to a certain someone. So he wants The Golden Girl to return with me." He looked down at me with a smile and winked.

"So what do you say? Ready to go back?" he asked. I smiled and nodded then I jumped up from my seat and did something I think no one expected. I kissed him.

 I kissed him

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