Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I stood at the curtain waiting for my cue. Team Bella was out in the ring talking well mostly Nikki.

"I want that newbie to get her ass in this ring!" She yelled. That was my cue. My music started up and I stood on the stage with a mic in hand and a smirk on my face.

"You rang?" I rolled my eyes at the 3 in the ring.

"Come down here!" Foxy ordered. I shook my head no.

"I'm good up here." I smiled. They started to laugh.

"Lookie here Brie she's scared."

"I'm not scared but you three should be." They all laughed at my response. I rolled my eyes.

"Us? It's 3 on 1 your all alone no Paige or Charlotte to help." I was getting sick of them I took my jacket off and threw it on the floor.

"You asked for it." I dropped the mic and ran into the ring. They were to slow for me. I took out Brie first and then Foxy and now it was just me and Nikki. She looked scared. I smirked and grabbed her and put her on my shoulders and hit her with an AA. I left the ring and went back up the ramp. Grabbed my jacket and slung it over my shoulder and then picked up the mic.

"I don't back down from a fight and Nikki." She looked at me and I waved my hand in front of my face and the crowd yelled 'You can't see me.' I laughed and then walked backstage.


"Jess could you answer a few questions?" I turn and saw Renee. I smiled and nodded.

"Sure Renee." I shrugged.

"You just took out Team Bella any thoughts?"

"I took out 3 of the supposed top divas. Yeah right not in a million years. Nikki is the only on that team worth fighting. I'm just sick of them running their mouths saying they are the best but what happened tonight. Where did all the power go Renee?"

"I don't know." The blonde answered.

"It went all to their heads. They thought they were the best and what now. But news flash there's a new girl in town and she just might give them a run for their money." I smirked and walked away down the hallway.


"Now that is what I call a dominant diva!" I turned and saw Stephanie standing a few feet away from the table Chrissy and I were sitting at in catering.

"Thanks Steph." I smiled. She sat down at the table with us.

"No thank you. Twitter is blowing up about you. Everyone is dying to see Smackdown Thursday because of you. So with that said you know how your brother and Seth will be fighting at Summerslam?" I nodded.

"Well, since he has a broken nose and hasn't been around maybe you take his place for Raw with Rollins in the promo it's just a thought."

"Steph I'm not so sure. You saw what happened yesterday." I sighed.

"Just think about it Jess. Let me know by the end of the week." I nodded and smiled and she hugged me and walked away.

"Mom Cesaro is going to fight all alone!" Chrissy whined. I looked at the screen and they were interviewing him and he said he didn't have a partner.

"Well, Chrissy. Looks like we have to find him one." She smiled and we got up through our garbage away and started making our way through the halls.


The main even started in about 15 minutes and I still haven't found a partner for Claudio. Chrissy got tired so she was with Nikki. As I turned the corner I ran straight into someone.

"I'm so sor-." I looked up and saw the Lunatic Fringe.

"Ambrose!" I smiled at him and hugged him tight. We were very good friends back in NXT but when he got moved up we grew apart.

"Well I'm happy to see you to princess." He wrapped his arms around me.

"Could you do me a huge favor!?" I asked.

"Depends what's in it for me." He winked. I playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Could you be Cesaro's partner?" I batted my eyelashes at him and smiled.

"Why?" He asked suspiciously.

"He can't fight alone. Especially with Owens and Rollins." I sighed.

"Wait Rollins?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Haven't you been watching the show?" I asked and he looked at me and shook his head.

"But please Dean." He looked at me and gave me a lop sided grin making me smile widely.

"I'll do it." He smirked.

"Yes. Thank You ! Thank you! Thank you!" I jumped on him giving him a hug.

"Anything for the girl who always kicked my ass." I laughed and sent him off to the curtain.


Chrissy was beyond happy about me finding a partner for Cesaro but I didn't tell her who. When Dean came out last minute she jumped on me.

We watched the whole match. We were on the edge of our seats. Well I was. Chrissy fell halfway through the match so she stayed on the floor.

"They won! They won!" She cheered making me laugh. We wanted to congratulate the two men so we went to the curtain and waiting for them. Cesaro was the first to cross the curtain and she went straight to him giving him a hug. Jon then came through so I went up to him.

"You did great. Thank you for being his partner." He kissed my head.

-Cesaro's POV-

Ambrose and I won the match. I was still shocked he came out to be my partner. Until I heard Jess thank him. So she must have asked him makes much for sense now. Chrissy was going on and on about how great the match was. But I was distracted seeing Jess in Ambrose's arms. I may have just met her and all but I feel something there for her and I couldn't help but feel my blood boil seeing her with him.

"Do you like my mom?" Chrissy's question snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked down at her and she had a smile on her face.

"I just met her sweetheart."

"You could still start to like her." She said still smiling. She was going to drop it. I sighed and looked at her.

"I might like her okay. But don't say a thing."

"My lips are sealed." She "zipped" her lips making me laugh. Then I noticed Ambrose had left and Jess was making her way over.

"Great job out there." She through her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel my heart pounding. She pulled away and smiled at me.

"Come on let me change and we will hit the road." I put my hand on the small of her back. I could have sworn I saw her blush. But I think I'm just seeing things.


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