Crossroads ₪ XXVI

Start from the beginning

"Momma, you feel better yet?" Caeden asked.

"No, not until the twins come out. My tummy hurts like yours did, but 100x worse."

I probably shouldn't be saying that to him since it's probably going to cause him to worry more, I'm 36 weeks pregnant the full term pregnancy is 40 weeks but it seems like they ready to come now. For the past two weeks I been feeling pressure and it increases everyday, right now I'm ready to bang my head against the fucking wall. Talking negative is all I have right now, since he's too young for me to curse around I have to deal with it. Caeden won't leave my side and even though him and Mijo are doing a million times better. With each other I can see the jealousy in Mijo.

"You going to die mommy, make them stop hurting you?" He said sounding like he was about to cry.

"No one is hurting me Caeden, I'm not going to die. How do you even know what it means?"

"It means you not going to come back and I won't have a mommy."

"I'm going to stay right here kid, ain't nobody going no where. I'm in pain because everything in my stomach is getting tight, it helps when I have to deliver the babies. The same thing happen with you, the same thing happen to Mijo, and every mommy in the world. I'm always going to be here for you."

"You promise?"

"Pinky promise." I smiled grabbing onto his pinky.

"Owww, that hurt!"

I squeezed too tight because I was in middle of a contraction seem like. "I'm sorry, let me kiss it make it better."

He giggled, "I love your kisses mommy."

"I love yours too boo boo."

"Now let's try and take a nap, maybe I'll feel better."

I manged to close my eyes for 10 minutes then Mijo came in whining, "I want to go to the park."

"Not today, I can't I don't feel good Mijo."

"But I wanna go to the park now!"

"Go ask your daddy, baby I said I can't!"

"No momma, I want you right now!"

"If I take you outside to ride your bike will that make you happy?"

"NO, I said I want to go to the park!"

"Well I'm not taking to you to no damn park, talk to me like that I again and imma spank your little ass ."

"You promise you would take me, let's go !"

"Why can't you listen, see Caeden is doing just fine napping with mommy . Let's take a nap first ."

"No, I don't want no damn nap . I want to go to the park ."

Suddenly all the pressure I was feeling seize to exist, did this little ass boy just cuss in my damn house ? "Get your ass over here !"

"No !"

"Mijo you got 3 damn seconds to get over here ."

"NO !"

"You either get your little narrow ass over here or deal with your father, I ain't playing with you either ."

"I don't care I hate you ." he said running out the room

"Mijo ! Mijo ! ."

"He really going to get a spanking ?" Caeden asked

"He needs one ."

"I don't want him to ."

I couldn't tell Chris that Mijo said a bad word, he's just mad right now so I let him slide with a lecture, but this damn pressure wasn't going anywhere . When I called Dr. Hill all he told me was that if the pressure got worse to come in, we haven't done shit to change the way things flowing in this house . I'm stressed out, my feet hurt, I just want to get this over with . For the time being I ain't feel like talking to anybody, I knew if somebody was to come up to me it wasn't going to end pretty . I ain't in the damn mood right now for all that, only people I can handle are my kids . I'm trying hard to include them into everything I been doing, getting Mijo and Caeden closer so when I have these babies so they won't feel too neglected . I don't know what Chris has planned but since he knows that I been feeling pressure for the past two weeks, his ass better be here and I mean fully be here cause I'm not down for his disappearing acts .

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