chapter 10

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Kyles POV in the morning:
I honestly didn't want to have anyone exept for Allie. But she is already taken so I quess I'll just listen to her.

Allie: Okay let's make a list of places to pick up a girl
Kyle:um I don't know where are places you go
Allie: I hate the mall but most girls go there
Kyle: okay maybe the bar (I know you have to be 21 in England)
Allie: let's go to the mall first

I haven't been to the mall in London yet. So I just decided to follow Allie.
Allie: you haven't seen it yet
Kyle: seen what

She pointed behind me "cat cafe"
Allie: yeah lets look

We ran over to the cat cafe and walked around and looked at all the cats and ordered sometea to go.

We went to many shops but no one caught my eye. I'm probably just going to die alone, I could be a crazy catman. That sounds pretty cool.

Kyle: Allie can we please go my legs are tired
Allie: okay just remember I will not give up
Kyle:yeah I kinda figured
I laughed

We walked back to Allies house and we said our good byes and I started to walk back to my house. Than some one grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
??:your Kyle eh?
Kyle:maybe I am why do you ask

Than the man punched me square in the face.
Kyle:what the hell was that for
??:answer the damn question
Kyle:yeah I'm Kyle why do you need to know?
??:ha you don't really know Allie
Kyle: I sure as hell know more about her than you do
??: she tried to hang her self last year

I was a bit tookin back
Kyle:but she has changed
With that he punched me in the jaw repeatedly I tried to punch and kick back. But then he kicked me in the knee making me fall onto the concrete. He leaped back on to me and held my limes to the ground. Then he curled his hand into a fist and punch me really hard and I started to get dizzy.
??:you seem like a nice guy that doesn't deserve a Allie in your life

Then he walked into the night, I tried to get up but my legs felt like there were no bones in them. But eventually I got up and walked home.

Allies POV:
Once kyle brought me home I started to text Dan about random stuff going on in my life. I plugged my phone into its charger and soon drifted to sleep.

I was in a forest with many trees, I walked farther and farther into the forest then it came to a stop. There was now a feild of long green grass in front of me I ran threw it as fast as I could. But then fell, some one offered me their hand and helped me up.
Lucas:you don't know what's coming your way.

I saw worry in his eyes (I forget if I brought lucas up if not I was supposed to its her best friend that commuted suicide)
Allie:whats going to happen
Lucas:I don't know, I just have a feeling so please be careful with the people you trust
I was about to nod but he was gone. I kept on walking in the grass. Then all of a sudden I was in a dark room.
??:only one can live

Then the lights turned on and there were four chairs with people in them. One I reconized as my dad, Lucas, Kyle and Dan. They were all tied to the chairs with a brown bag over there face.
Allie:what am I supposed to do?
There was no answer the I looked down at my hands and noticed I was holding a gun.

I walked towards the chairs only one can live
Allie:what do you mean only one can live
??:you have to shoot every on exept one

I didn't know what to do, so I ran to a chair and untied each person.
But then they all walk to me
Dad:we never loved you
Kyle:who would want to be friends with a stupid girl
Dan:I deceive better
Lucas:ah this is why I killed my self

I was taken back it was probably all true but then Dan grabbed the gun out of my hands and BOOM!! He shot me right in the head.
End of dream
I woke up screaming but then relized it was just a dream. I looked at the time and it was 5am so I got up and got ready for the day ahead.

Author's note:
I don't know if I can do this anymore

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