12. They See Your Swimsuit - Pt. 2

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Tony, yet again, was throwing a big pool party and you and Bucky were invited. You pulled on your black floral bandeau halter top, with high waisted black and white polka dot bottoms. Then you walk into the hallway where Bucky is waiting very impatiently, tapping his foot and drumming his fingers.

"You ready to go sweetheart?" You ask from behind him. All of the sudden, you are pulled into a electric feeling kiss. It takes you a moment to realize what's happening, but when you do, you kiss back.

Bucky spins you out of the kiss, "Course baby." He walks away. "Love the new swimsuit too!" He yells from aways away.


Tony Stark, famous for his parties, had invited you, and a newly changed Loki, to one of his pool parties. Since you and Loki were staying at Stark Tower together, you were in the bathroom changing. You had bought a new suit and couldn't wait until Loki sees it. You walked out of the bathroom, with your new bikini on. 

He was sitting on the end of the bed, reading a book, in his swim trunks. Dark green, of course. HOOoooLllyy Shit. Lokis got absssssss. You think and he looks up from his book, shutting it and walking over to you. "Are ready to go, Love?" You make a humph sound, annoyed that he didn't say anything about your swimsuit. Twirling around in front of Loki you ask, "Notice anything new?"

He grabs your waist when your back is facing him. Loki pulls you up next to him. He whispers in your ear, "Love the suit, darling, I just prefer you without it."

Let's just say you were late to the party...


Tony being Tony, he was throwing a pool party, and Pietro being Pietro, he was invited. (even if he wasn't, he'd probably still come, am I right?) You were in your and Pietro's shared room attempting to tie your bathing suit, failing miserably. I'm gonna have to ask Pietro... You think as you walk into the living space where he's waiting. When you walk in, he's sitting on the couch wearing his trunks, daumn... You thought, not realizing that your mouth is hanging open.

"See something you like, princess?" He smirks at you.

In response you glare, "Can you tie my suit, Pietro."

"No." He says walking toward you.

"No?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Maybe I don't want it tied" he says pulling you close to him.

"Fine, I'll go ask Tony." You say waking toward the door, but he speeds in front of you.

"No, no, no, no, I'll tie it." He gives in reluctantly.

"That's what I thought."


(a/n: I'm not a Thor fan girl so all my Thor stuff kinda sucks... Sorry) When Tony invited you and Thor to a pool party, you eagerly accepted, then you had to explain what a pool party was to Thor. Once he knew what a pool party was, he was also very excited that you guys were going.

"M'lady (Y/N), are you almost ready to attend man of iron's party in the pool?" Thor booms through the bathroom door.

"Yea Thor! Just a sec!" You yell back as you look at yourself in the mirror for the last time. You had bought a new bathing suit for the party, but now you were having second thoughts. You take a deep breath in and open the door, to see Thor looking like he's going to knock again. Instead, he looks down at you, his mouth slightly agape.

You sigh heavily, "I knew I shouldn't have bought this one." You mutter to yourself as you walk back in the bathroom to change again. When you reach for the door knob, Thor's massive hand grabs your wrist, causing you to look up at him.

"Lady (Y/N), I love your suit for bathing, you are the most beautiful woman in all of the 9 realms." He pulls you into his chest. His buff chest. "Let us depart for the Man of Iron's party in the pool!" He announces before rushing out the door, followed by you.

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