Normani nodded and they all started watching. It was fifteen minutes later when they heard the doorbell ring and they all groaned in annoyance.

"I'll get it." Ally sighed and stood up, keeping her eyes on the screen as she went to the front door. When she opened it, she was immediately pushed aside by a very unhappy, and angry Kendall Jenner.

"Where is she?" She demanded, looking around the foyer for her girlfriend.

Ally stared at her bewildered, shutting the door. "Where's who?"

"Lauren, you imbecile." Kendall snapped, putting her hands on her hips. She was wearing another ridiculous outfit. A very short mini skirt and a crop top that barely covered her breasts, with six inch heels.

Hearing her voice, Dinah and Normani looked at each other in shock and worry, quickly getting off the couch and going into the foyer, leaving Harper alone, although she didn't seem to notice as she was too invested in the movie.

Hearing footsteps, Kendall turned around and glared at the two girls. "There you two are! Where the fuck is Lauren? I went to her house and she wasn't there, or both your houses, and she isn't answering her phone."

Dinah looked at Normani, trying to figure out what to tell her, then back at Kendall, thinking of something.

"She's out planning you a surprise." She grinned in triumph at her idea, not noticing the angry look on Ally and Normani's faces directed at her.

Kendall stared at her in speculation, crossing her arms. "A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

Normani quickly jumped in before the younger girl could do anymore damage. "Well if we told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

Kendall let a little smile curl onto her face, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I guess not." She cleared her throat and straightened her back, her face taking on a cold stare again. "Well then. Tell Lauren I'm extremely angry at her and for her to call me." With that, she left the house with a loud slam of the front door.

The three girls stayed silent as they stared at one another before Ally's eyes narrowed and she frowned. "Do you.. do you guys smell something burning?"

Dinah and Normani sniffed the air before Dinah's eyes widened in realization and she ran into the kitchen.

"Fuck! My popcorn!"


"I had an amazing time tonight Lo." Camila smiled at her date as she walked her home later that night since they hadn't taken the older girl's car.

Lauren smiled back and looked down shyly at the asphalt. "Yeah, me too. We should do it again sometime."

"I'd like that." Camila's smile got even bigger.

Lauren looked at her and grinned, reaching out and taking her hand in hers, squeezing it. Not being able to help herself, she stopped Camila from walking and leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips.

Camila smiled and she closed her eyes as their lips met, sighing contently against Lauren. They pulled away after a while and continued their walk with huge smiles.

However, Camila's smile dropped when they arrived and she saw a fire truck and police cars surrounding her house. Gasping in horror, she dropped Lauren's hand and ran the last block while she ran after her. "What happened!" She screeched at Ally when she reached them. She was speaking to one of the officers when she came over and started to hit her arm.

"Hey, whoa, relax Mila!" Ally quickly grabbed her hands and looked up into her worried eyes. "Everything's fine. Dinah forgot about her popcorn in the microwave and it started a small fire."

the secrets we keep [camren]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang