Adieu to the Love We Deserve

Comenzar desde el principio

"U-uncle Lucky?" I called out my voice hoarse it hurts when I talk


"Althea? Oh thank god! You're awake! How are you feeling? Just a sec I'll call Jade wait for her..."

"Jade?" I repeated with confusion

Who's Jade?

Uncle Lucky reappeared from the door with sadness in his eyes. And even with my migraine I can see the pity and concern that's written on his sad smile as he smiled at me.

"I thought she'd stay..."

"Who would stay?"

"Jade, your - - wait you don't - -"

"Who's Jade? What are you talking about uncle Lucky?"

"You remember me?"

"Of course why not? You're my uncle right?" I asked getting more and more confused and frustrated with his shortcomings.

"I'll call your doctor first okay?" he then exited again and I just followed him with my gaze.

I roamed my eyes and I saw an iPhone by the bedside table but before I could stretch out to pick it up the cables still connected to my body stopped me, a few minutes later uncle Lucky came back with my doctor.

"Good Afternoon Althea, how are you feeling?"

"Can you make the pain in my head stop please?" I muttered like a child

"Yes of course we'll do that, but for now can I ask you a few questions?"


"Do you have any idea why you're here?"

I momentarily paused and thought hard about a reason but I can't think of anything so I just looked again at him and nodded my head sideways.

"What do you remember Althea? Do you know this guy here?" the doctor asked pointing to my uncle Lucky

"Yes, he's my uncle." I plainly said

"I'm going to mention some names and places and events from the past months and you'll tell me if you remember any of them okay?" he asked I just nodded in response

"Felix Guevarra?"

"He's my dad."

"Elizabeth Guevarra?"

"My mom?"

"David Limjoco?"

"I don't know him." I answered not meeting his gaze my head begins to throb again

"Sally Lim-Apolinario?"

"I don't know her."

"Wila Mateo? Batchi Luna? Cess Dalmas?"

"No I don't - -"

"Jade Tanchingco?"

Something stopped me with the last name he mentioned, I don't know why but that name sends me shivers and goose bumps. But as much as I tried processing that name in my head it can't project a face connected to that name.

"I don't remember any of them."

"How about your high school?"

"La Salle Greenhills?"

"You're university?"

"Auckland? Why are you asking me these things? Why can't I remember some of them? Who are those people you mention?" I successively asked I massaged my temple in the process feeling my migraine doubled.

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