"I was on the roof"

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Last night was one of those nights thats hard to forget. Mine and my friends' first ever actual gig? Yeah, not going to forget that.
At least I hope so.

"Frank has another gig tonight," David says, flopping down onto the sofa beside me. "And guess what? He wants us to open again."
"Again?" Bobby groans from the floor. I lean down and pat his head. "But last night nearly killed us."
"Yeah, I don't even know where Bryan is. I haven't seen him since we left the stage." David yawns. "Where the fuck is my brother?"
James walks in with Bryan. "Hey, uncle idiot wants us to open again, can you believe it?"
David jumps up and glares at his older brother. "Where the fuck where you? I've been freaking out! Mum said to keep an eye on you, Bry!"
"But he's the older Toro brother," Bobby groans.
"He's the most responsible of the two," James says. "And Bryan was asleep on the roof of the tour bus."
"How did you get there?" I ask.
Bryan shrugs. "If I knew I could tell you."
"Okay," I stand up. "So one more.... thingy tonight then we can go back to Deal.... Am I right?"
"You're right, E," James says with a smile. "Do we just do the same songs from yesterday?"
Bobby giggles from the floor and we all turn to look at him. He looks so happy dying in laughter.
"You're a kid from yesterday," he chuckles.
David groans and rubs his forehead. "Okay, okay, okay. One idiot, check. One brother, check. One friend, check. One Way girl, check."
"Really, a checklist? And anyway, I think I would be called something better than 'Way girl'." I say.
"Yeah, probably 'hyper red head'." James says honestly.
"When am I ever 'hyper'?" I ask, doing the air quotes around the word. "I mean seriously, am I not hyper -"
I stop mid sentence as my phone vibrates in my jeans pocket.
"E, who's that?" James asks, sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I'll be able to answer and see if there wasn't someone stopping my arms by hugging me."
"Huh," Bryan says to David. "The sass is there."
"Yeah, you owe me £10 now," David replies.
I roll my eyes and check my phone.

Sami - hey, school starts on Monday, do u wanna come and gloat to ur old school?

Me - hell yea, see ya there.

George offered to help with the show again, thank God, and it went okay again. Frank's preformance went amazing as well, and he come off the stage tired and James stayed with him afterwards.
So sweet.

The next day my adoptive dad comes to pick me and the guys up, Frank giving us all hugs goodbye before he left for the next venue.
"So, kiddo, you've been on a stage?" Dad asks, as we're on a motor way towards Deal.
"Yeah, it was.... I don't know how to descibe it but it was great." I say.
James snorts. "I was kind of hoping you would pull a kiss on stage like Gerard did to Frank."
I roll my eyes. "You sick freak, Iero."
"I thought you loved me!" James whines.
"Nope," I reply with a smirk. "Right now Bobby's higher up."
"I do not want to be in this battle!" Bobby shouts.

The rest of the weekend passes by smoothly and on Sunday evening I leave out the clothes I'm going to wear on Monday when I visit Sami's school....
Oh the horrors.

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