Braids and Claire

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My phone wakes me up at six in the morning by ringing. I answer it, still half asleep, and Sami's voice blares out into my ears.
"Get the fuck up, E. Get dressed and I'll be at yours in an hour to pick you up, 'kay?"
"Yeah," I yawn. "Sure, coolio, I'm awake.... possibly."
"Get. Out. Of. Bed."
"Fuck, I just fell off the bed, happy now?" I ask her with a scowl on my face.
Sami giggles. "See you soon." She then hangs up.
I stand and have a quick shower before getting dressed in what I thought could resemble a school uniform. Who the fuck was I kidding with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black vest top with a black silk over shirt? Nobody to be honest.
I lace my boots up whilst I bend down to grab my school bag. Rushing downstairs, I attempt to eat a bowl of cornflakes before I had to have another mad dash to brush my teeth and hair before leaving.
Ah, school mornings in England.

I sit next to Sami in her form room, my head on the desk, groaning about my lack of sleep.
"Sami!" I whine. "Why did I agree to this? You made me wake up so early!"
Sami chuckles, looking at me over her maths homework. "Feeling tired, E?"
"You have no idea," I mumble. "I'm exhausted! I just wanna sleep."
"Y'know you could always do something at school today," Sami says. "I don't know, what about helping me with my maths homework?"
I raise my head and glare at her. "You're on your own there buddy. I am not doing any school work when I'm here."

Sami manages to get me to the music block, somewhere I would rarely venture to when I attended here, and said she had this music project to work on. She had one of the school's guitars and was playing around with it when she suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the doorway.
"Hey, Claire!" She smiles. "Where have you been all morning?"
I turn around to see a shy looking girl with dark brown hair loose around her shoulders. She smiles warmly at Sami and throws me a masked look. I frown to myself.
"I did say I had recitals and stuff, working on the music?" Claire asks. She sits down on the other side of Sami. "Hey, I'm Claire."
"Evie," I nod. She smiles. Hell she smiles a lot....
"Yeah, I know. Your dad is famous, y'know. And Sami here won't shut up about her best friend," Claire says teasingly, poking her tongue out at Sami. "So you're in England for a while, right?"
"Pretty much, its just until Frank's tour finishes I think. I don't really know anything except that I'm back home after what feels like ages." I say slowly. "When did you start here?"
"Um.... about November? Late October?" Claire chuckles nervously. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what?" I say as Sami watches us closely, pretending to be studying something in her ring binder.
"Is it strange waking up, going downstairs, and there's just Gerard Way standing in the kitchen?"
"Nope. I've gotten used to it. For a few weeks when I hadn't I kept squeaking whenever I went downstairs. It pissed the neighbours off a lot."


Yesterday as a whole was uneventful. The only thing that was of any vague wonder was when Bobby slapped James and then James let out a high pitched squeal and lept back onto Bryan, knocking them both over.
Idiots. I am telling you.

"Evieeee," Bryan whines as I mess around with his hair. "What the actual fuck are you doing?"
"Nothing much," I comment, swinging my legs as I sit on the very edge of the kitchen counter, Bryan right in front of me.
"Looking beautiful as ever big brother," David says with an eyebrow raised. "You totally suit braids."
"Evie! What!?"
"Oh, piss off David. I wasn't giving him braids."
"I have a fucking braid in my hair! Get it out!" Bryan cries, tugging at the tightly plaited hair.

Twenty minutes later

"Ain't no way is that ever coming out," David mutters annoyedly, glaring daggers at his brother's head.
"Yeah.... sorry Bry."


Hey, I am so sorry this took FOREVER but I had no ideas how to continue with it.

But now I think I might have.... but no promises. So sorry again, but I'll keep trying.

Vote and comment if you enjoyed,

-LemLyn ^-^

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