Chapter 32 The War

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Seto's pov:
"What do we do now?" I said. We have managed to get trough those warriors without dieing.
"Now you must face me!" Herobrine said.
"We can distract him while you try to hurt him ok?" Vanoss said.
"Ok." Sky said. So the plan was put to action. Soon, we made half damage and so far, Herobrine became weaker. He is still stronger then all of us combined though. He shot a fireball at me when I wasn't looking.
"Seto,Watch Out!" Brice yelled. I couldn't do anything because I was paralyzed from the last attack. I couldn't do anything not even teleport.
I guess this is the end...
I closed my eyes so that I can't see it. Seconds later, I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw that I was alive.
What happend?
Then I saw Inky standing infront of me, absorbing the flames of the fireball.
"Inky!" I shouted. Inky fell on the floor after the attack.
"I'm sorry I did this to you guys," Inky said softly,"I it was my only choice."
"Why did you do that?" I questioned.
"I didn't want to see you guys hurt." Inky said.
"Come on we can still help y-"
"No, theres nothing you can do. Just promise me that you will defeat Herobrine.."
"Please..." Inky said more softly. I sighed, starting to get all teary.
"I promise." I said as ferm as I can. She smiled and slowly closed her eyes.
"So long Inky..." I said. I felt a hand on my sholder. It was Brice. I smiled and got up.
"We can do this," Brice said,"For Inky." He stretched his arm towards me. I grabbed it and said,"For Inky." We started going back to the plan. Soon we finished Herobrine with a loud bang, literally. Ty putted tnt and ignite it and blew up herobrine. We won!
"We're Finally going Back Home!" Wildcat said. All of us cheared and laughed from the battle. Then a portal opened. It was the portal to the BBC's world.
"I guess this is it." Vanoss said in a sad tone.
"Yah." I said.
"It was nice to meet you guys and play with you guys." Lui said in a sad tone.
"We had lots of fun showing you guys around." Jin said.
"We hope we see you guys soon." I said.
"Us too." Delerious said.
"Bye!" The Banana Bus Crew said.
"Bye!" Team Crafted said. And with that, the BBC left.
The portal closed and we were back at home.
"So what now?" Tyler asked.
"Lets play some Hunger Games." Sky said in a happy tune.
"Whoever loses has to do the death cup challange!" Mitch said.
"Your On!!" Jerome said. And with that we all left the house.
I hope we see them again...
Thank you guys and gals for reading this far, and I hope you liked the story.
Will there be revenge?
Will there be a new book for this?
Problably but find out in the next book!

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