Chapter 8 New Recruits

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Evan's POV:
"Who the heck are these guys",a young man with sunglasses and an amulet with purple in the middle.
"Adam, these are Vanoss,Delirious,Mini, Wildcat,Brock,Lui,and Nogla."Mitch replied.
"Guys",Jerome said,"These are Sky,Ty,Jin,Tyler,Seto,and Solance."
They must be who Jerome was talking to.
"Dude, do you need help or what?",Ty,I think, said.
"Nah,we found them all.",Mitch replied.
"So what now?",Sky said.
"Well, wecan discuss of how these people got here.",Jerome said.
So, we all had to sit down and talk about what happened and what we been through.
"Wow.",Jin said.
"That sounds intense."Tyler said.
"It was,but I still don't know what we are up against." I said.
"Can you explain of how it looks like?"Seto said.
"Yah, he had a light blue shirt,blue jeans,and his eyes were completely white."I explained.
"Its Herobrine."Solance said.
"Who's Herobrine?"Lui said.
"Herobrine is a restless soul who makes pain as his entertainment." Solance explained.
"That must be why we blacked out" Nogla said.
"We must go to the library at once",Seto said,"I remember a book saying how to go to your own world if Herobrine transported you here."
"But first, we need to help you survive." Mitch said.
Oh boy. This is going to be a heck of a long day.
Thank you guys for still reading this. I may have hard work at school, but nothing can convince me to stop writing it is short I know, but I still try to write. Also Wildcat is going to be permanent because there are two Tylers in the book. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed.

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