Chapter 23 The Explanation

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Evan's Pov:
It was a dark,cold night. I just had one thing in mind, I had to help Jonathan. You see, Jon passed out on my arms, and now I'm worried about him.
When I came to the house, everyone was supprised.
"What happened Vanoss!?" Ty questioned.
"We got in a fight with a tall,black creature." I said.
"That was an Enderman," said Seto,"But, it wasn't an ordinary Enderman."
"Can we talk about this later?" Lui said,"We need to help Delerious."
"Why yes of course." Seto said.
I placed Delerious on the couch gently and started wrapping him with some bandages. Soon after, I had to wrap myself because the Enderman was hurting me while I was fighting. I looked at Delerious and he looked really bad. He got scars and bruises from that creature. Im sure he will recover, I hope.
Nows your chance Evan.
I went closer to Jonathan and gave him a little kiss. It was not for long, but I still liked it. I went down stairs and saw everybody. Everyone was just staring at me.
"Uhh...." I said.
"You should definitely tell him." Sky said. I turned bright red.
"Anyways, did anything happen when I was gone?" I asked.
"Actualy, there was an army full of squids that tried to attack us, but failed horribly." Nogla said.
"Yah, and I got it on video see!" Sky said while showing me the video. I was laughing so bad that I actually fell.
"It was reduculous." Ty said.
"Well squids are stupid." Sky said.
"Yah true." Wildcat said.
"Hey guys," Brice said,"Do you want to play video games?"
"Heck Yah We Do!" Tyler shouted.
We all laughed while going into the media room.
Maybe I should tell Delerious what I feel, but it has to be on the right time.
Whats going to happen next?
Find out in the next chapter!

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