Chapter 27: Forgetting?

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Yeah, yeah, of course." he started walking back to his car, his posture stiff and rigid. Curious as to why he switched moods so suddenly, I followed behind and jogged to catch up.

Once again, the car ride was silent, since he turned off the radio. I spent the whole time looking out the window and seeing his reflection glance at me once and a while. I chose to ignore it, as he wasn't in the best mood.

As we pulled up to my house, I grabbed my purse, eager to get out of the car. As soon as he stopped the car, I jumped out, murmuring a quick thanks before running to the front door, wanting to get as far away from him as possible. 

At the same time as I was opening the door from the outside, my brother was opening it from the inside. He spotted Carson backing out of the driveway and waved him back, while running towards him. Carson slowly got out of the car, still not looking at me.

"Hey man, I was just about to go to your house," Nate said, doing that weird guy hug thing with Carson.

"Yeah, hey. I was just here to drop your sister off, we ran into each other at the mall." Carson said quickly.

"Come in for a bit man, I bet you could stay for dinner." Nate said, smiling, and clearly oblivious to any tension between Carson and me.

"Umm... I, uh" Carson stuttered, clearly racking his brain for an excuse.

"Oh come on man" Nate laughed out, not catching on that he really didn't want to stay around me much longer.

"I.... Okay..." Carson stammered reluctantly. I, realizing I was just standing in the doorway listening to their conversation, spun on my heel, and stalked up to my room. Who cares about Carson anyways? I'd just have to be the mature one and act normal, because being my brother's best friend, Carson is always going to be around no matter how much I wish he'd just thought of an excuse quicker to leave.

I could hear Nate talking loudly downstairs, and Carson fake laughing downstairs. I rolled me eyes. Wait, why was I acting like this? I feel like a snob. I decided to call Betsi, nothing like calling your best friend to calm you down.

"Hey hey" I heard in Betsi's always hyper voice over the phone.

"Hi Bets," I said as cheerfully as I could, though I knew she'd see right through it.

"What did Carson do?" She demanded without hesitation. Best friends, can't live without them, can't hide anything from them.

"Well...." I said, biting my lip, suddenly reluctant to talk about it.

"Come on Scar, I think we both know I'll get it out of you eventually," she sighed. We both knew she was right.

"Fine," I groaned and explained everything to her, not leaving out anything, to the way Carson acted after.

"Wow, first of all I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THIS YESTERDAY." Betsi screamed, and I had to hold the phone away from my ear.

"Oh... sorry," I replied pathetically.

"I'm not done yet," she continued, "Second, from what I'm hearing, Carson didn't really want to "forget about it." I honestly still think he's head over heels for you."

"Hah," I snorted quite unladylike, "As if."

"Denial, the first stage," My british best friend teased, and I could just see her rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, I've got to go, bye. Can I crash at yours tonight?" I asked, knowing I didn't need to.

"Why do you even ask? Of course," Betsi said, knowing full well I would've come over whatever she said.

"Thanks, I'll come by  later, but I've really got to go, bye," I said and hung up.

I needed to think, alone for a while. Was what Betsi said true? Did Carson really want to take things farther? Did I? Again, relationships confuse me. The kiss with Carson was different than any other kiss I'd ever had. It was special, but did I really want to ruin the brother/sister relationship I had with Carson? What if things didn't work out? One, he was my brother's best friend, we'd see each other pretty much everyday, not to mention we have classes together and he tutors me. Deep in thought, I was interrupted by the soft cries coming from my parent's room.

"But- yes I know, but the kids Mark.... Well, please stop it, I get it. You don't think I know that?! Well you're not much of a help either, always criticizing me. Don't bring that up, that's not your place. Fine." I heard my mom muttering into her phone, and crept in to see her hang up and put her head in her hands.

"Mom?" I approached her cautiously, not wanted to set her off.

"Oh, hi Scarlet, hon," my mom said wearily, looking tired.

"Are you alright?" I asked, stepping closer to her.

"Yes, I'm fine, just tired. All I need is a rest." she mumbled, rubbing at her temples.

"Would you like me to make you some tea?" I enquired, wanting to make my mother fell better.

"No, I just need some rest," she insisted, "But thank you Scarlet."

"Alright, I'm going to sleep over at Betsi's tonight, is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine," she said, lying down, hinting I should get out, and I slowly backed out of the room, concerned for my mom.


I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated in a while. Man, a lot has gone on between now and I last wrote a chapter. Alright, so I know this one is short than others, I know, I know I'm sorry.... School is being stressful and a bunch of other things.... Anyways, What's going on with Carson??? What's going on with Scarlet's and Nate's parents? Find out, probably in a couple months because it's Jess's turn.

Okay, I wrote this instead of my history report, so I've got to go do that.

~ Em

(To the side is what Scar wore)

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