Chapter Nineteen

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I had not been given the chance to sleep all that often while a captive of Antias and Stacy. Now that I was free in Luke's arms, sleep hungrily overtook me after about half an hour of kissing and talking and laughing.

Yes, just kissing. After being with Antias, I wasn't ready to go any farther. At least, not yet.

When I awoke, I felt the best I had felt in months, even since before I was kidnapped. I was entangled in pillows and blankets, and best of all, Luke's sleeping form was almost completely wrapped around mine, tail included.

I kept my eyes closed as I wriggled closer to Luke. He moved in his sleep to accommodate to my new position. I could have stayed like this forever.

"Jesse?" I heard him say sleepily. "You awake?"

I cracked my eyes open and punched his chest playfully. "Yeah, unfortunately." He smiled down at me, and after delivering a brief kiss on my cheek, he rolled away and sat up.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," he admitted. "It's been a while."

"A few days?"

He frowned. "Ah, no. Since 1929, I think. Just before the United States' stock market crashed."

"Oh." Sometimes it struck me how old Luke actually was, and it was kind of frightening, to be honest. I knew he had been around since nearly the beginning of human history. The time he had spent with me would have been like seconds.

"So," I began awkwardly. "What now?"

He sighed, pulling me to my feet. "I don't know," he confessed. "There's a war council scheduled for tomorrow. I wasn't going to go, but now, I want to take you with me. And today... I just want to be with you."

It was all sweet, but there were priorities. "And when are you going to tell me about my memories?"

His frown deepened. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Luke, I know you took my memories. And then lied to me about it."

"Lyssios," he growled. "I hate him." His face twisted into one of pain. "I'm sorry, Jesse, really. I did it for a reason, though. The things you went through, no one would want to remember. I wish I didn't."

I groaned in frustration, nearly kicking a candle before coming to my senses. "But you still need to tell me! I feel like everyone knows but me!"

"I know," he said mournfully. "And I will. But there's someone you should meet first. And then I'll explain everything. I promise."


Ajax was waiting for us in the throne room. With a short yell of surprise, I let go of Luke's hand and hugged him. I hadn't even thought of the big demon much since I'd been taken, but now I realized how much I had missed him. He hugged me back, laughing.

"It's nice to see you, human," he rumbled. I pulled away and punched his arm, grinning.

"You too," I returned. Luke caught up to me and secured my hand again.

He smiled lightly at Ajax. "Have you seen Nyx?" he asked.

Ajax bowed respectfully. "Not recently, my King. He went with Deimos to interrogate Stacy and Aaron about Jesse's return, but he left in a hurry. Perhaps his room?"

Shit. I'd completely forgotten to tell Morpheus in the dream that Aaron had been the traitor. I opened my mouth to reveal this, but Luke beat me to it. "Really? Is Aaron still here? I know he and Nyx never really got along."

"No, my King," Ajax replied. "He seemed rushed as well, probably to see Robin."

"Robin is one of Aaron's friends, right?" I piped up. "He lives with Robin and Jay, and they're all refugees from other Rings."

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