Chapter Fourteen

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Antias had told me we'd been on the Surface for three months. We'd been in jungles, deserts, and even an abandoned Subway, if Stacy was to be believed. None of us had no idea what was going on in the war in Hades, only that the abandoned Subway had something to do with it. Apparently, demon wars worked through humans as the demons influenced them to kill each other.

"Hamilton would have claimed Britain," Stacy had murmured at some point. "And it's safe to assume King Lyssios will have taken Spain, he's always been partial to it. But the United States is so diverse..."

"So we're in the United States?" I asked quickly, and she shut up after that.

So we continued travelling through World War III, with me getting only the amount of food and sleep I needed to barely survive. I was so weak; I stopped talking back, stopped fighting, stopped asking questions. Worst of all, Antias had started screwing me again whenever Stacy wasn't around, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was going to die, again, and there would be no one to pull me out of Hell. Antias had explained how the whole Resurrection thing worked.

As each of the eight Demon Kings and Queens were born, Lucifer had given each of his children a gift. They could choose to bring one human out of Hell in their entire existence. There were no second chances and no guarantees the human would live very long. The only upside: since we had technically already died, we'd be immortal now.

"Only Queen Katrina and King Hamilton have used their Resurrections," Antias murmured to me as we were huddled together. We were on some mountain, and it was snowing, so I had choice to stay close to him to avoid hypothermia. "Katrina still has hers; I hear she keeps him all locked up and he's insane now."

"And Hamilton?" I stuttered through the cold. I hated to ask, but if I didn't move my jaw, it would freeze in place.

"His died along time ago in some war."

I twisted to look at him properly. "The Trojan War?"

He frowned. "Yeah... how'd you know that? Did your Luke tell you?"

He always referred to Phobos that way, almost insultingly. He never called him 'king', despite using the title with all the others. I often wondered if Antias was just jealous because demons were under the impression that Phobos had a proper claim over me.

But I was his one Resurrection; up until now, I hadn't realized how important that was. Suddenly, all the reactions from everyone made sense, and I understood the huge move Phobos had made, just for me. Whatever had happened when I was alive must have been pretty impactful, and I'd spent most of the time hating him. He hadn't exactly been the friendliest ever, but I could appreciate what he'd done, to some degree. I wanted nothing more than to see him again, so that we could properly talk.

"Wild guess," I snapped in return.

Antias grinned and leaned over to kiss me, much to my dismay. "Come on," he teased. "Kiss me back."

I knew better than to disobey - there was no way I was going to let Antias do me in the freezing snow. I wondered how Phobos was handling my disappearance, especially now that I was somewhat aware of my own importance. Would he be furious that I was being mercilessly fucked by one of his official enemies, or was he truly so demonic that he wouldn't care?

Morpheus had mentioned how depressed Phobos had been. How much worse would it be now, over three months after the encounter? Things were only going to get worse, and I was only going to get weaker. It was up to Antias and Stacy to keep me alive, but I had little faith in them. If I didn't escape soon, I was going to die. I was actually going to die.

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