Chapter Fifteen

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We had a visitor.

Ever since the invasion and devastation of Johanna's Ring, Morpheus and Hamilton had advised Phobos to lay low for a while. The war on the Surface raged on, however, and each week we got more and more reports of mass murders. Terrorist attacks were frequent, caused only to feed Phobos' fear aura. To contrast that, there was more domestic and pointless violence in the streets, courtesy of Lyssios of Wrath. Thanks to Morpheus, less and less people were going to work. Johanna and Katrina were slowly destroying marriages (including famous ones) worldwide. Society was collapsing.

Hamilton was on the Surface, setting influences in Russia to inspire new forces. Wary of leaving me and my many siblings alone at home, he scattered us between Morpheus' palace and Phobos'. Fawn, Nikolai, and I were the only ones willing to stay with Phobos, and we only did so because we pitied him.

Not finding Jesse, along with the fact that Lucifer might apply punishment, had taken its toll on the Demon King. Demons were still out searching, as Lyssios had sent a messenger assuring us that Jesse was still alive, but it wasn't enough. Phobos just didn't care anymore. If anyone got too annoying, he would blast them with a sharp fear, instantly killing them.

I shooed away most hopefuls who came up to the gates, but this one was different. Nikolai offered to take him to Phobos, but one glare from me put him in his place. I had nothing against my brother, but his mother had been human. He wasn't purebred and therefore was below me.

Phobos never left his throne most days. He spent his time slumped on that obsidian seat, barking orders that didn't make sense at anyone who had the misfortune to see him. One could feel a disturbing terror entering them from a corridor away, and today was no different. I shivered and fixed my eyes to the floor, but the visitor didn't seem disturbed.

Today was a good day, it seemed. Phobos was sitting sideways on this throne, his legs dangling over one of the armrests. He was wearing a primarily white blink 182 shirt, and his tail was coiled peacefully on his stomach. He scowled when he saw me, but said nothing.

"My King?" I stammered, not daring to look up. "There's someone here who wants to see you."

Phobos scoffed. "Do they have news of Jesse's whereabouts?"

"Um, no, I don't think so -"

"Then I don't want to hear about it!" He sat up, finally facing the right way. "Get out of my sight, Shayne."

I opened my mouth to protest, but then the visitor stepped forward from behind me, smirking slightly. "Not even an old friend, Luke?" Nyx asked lightly.

Nyx had pale skin and long black hair. He wasn't just handsome - he was naturally beautiful. His hazel eyes seemed to shimmer, and his voice was deep, despite his young appearance. He looked to be around sixteen, but I could tell he was ancient. There was something about the Fear demon's aura that told me so.

For the first time in months, Phobos seemed to light up. "Nyx!" he gasped. "What are you... I thought you were dead!"

Nyx nodded. "I was, but Lucifer decided to give me another chance. He was merciful to me." I noticed him flinch, but decided not to pursue it.

Nyx was the stuff of legend. He had been a really powerful Fear demon, and as Phobos' best friend, he was second only to the King himself. But then disaster had struck: Nyx fell in love with a human girl who died prematurely and went to Hell. Caught trying to free her and send her to Heaven, Nyx was struck down by Lucifer himself and was forever damned. He was a fairy tale my nannies loved telling me, with the moral being: don't try to help humans!

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