Chapter Three

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Phobos invited me to walk around the city for a while, to see if anything jogged my memory. To be honest, going anywhere with him was the last thing I wanted to do, but I got the feeling it wasn't optional.

So I agreed.

"You're pretty lucky, you know," he commented as we walked down one of the steep streets. "Most people don't get to visit the Surface again once they're dead."

I shrugged. "I wouldn't want to come back here if I was in Heaven."

Phobos made a face. "I hear Heaven's overrated anyway," he assured me. "Don't you like Hades?"

"It's better than Hell, I guess."

I was still hurt over what he had told me at the restaurant. Even though I barely ever saw him, he was... nice to me. I had allowed myself to pretend like he actually cared. I had to toughen up.

"So any of this ringing a bell?" Phobos asked breezily. He reached out to hold my hand, but I pretended I didn't see it and stepped away from him.

"No," I admitted. "Is it common for people to forget their past in Hell?"

Phobos stopped, frowning. "No," he murmured. "I've never known of a human to forget. Maybe in Heaven...? What ever you did, it must have been pretty bad."

"Not as bad as what you're doing in the Middle East," I replied dryly.

He laughed coldly in response. "Sweetheart, I'm a demon of Fear. I literally feed off of natural human Fear. You can't blame me for that." He started walking again, and I seriously considered running away before following with a sigh.

We spent hours visiting the tourist attractions and walking by beautiful parks. At some point in the afternoon we entered a store called Hot Topic, which Phobos declared was "the best invention you humans ever came up with." He went on to purchase several overpriced band shirts.

We also entered the Lefty Store, where I discovered I was actually left-handed. Phobos offered to buy me something, but I refused. I didn't want anything from him.

All the same, I should have appreciated that day a bit more. It was the best day I was going to have for a long time.

I braved through the Tunnel again, this time, with Phobos at my side the entire time. We walked through his palace until we got to the door of his bedroom. I was suddenly uncomfortable. This place was really off-limits.

"Chances are I won't be able to convince Hamilton," Phobos said conversationally. "And Morpheus is smart, he'll pick the winning side. I'm screwed."

I looked down at my combat boots. They actually weren't that bad. He hadn't taken them away yet, and for that, I was grateful.

"You better convince him then," I muttered, unsure of what else to say. "Be humble. Pride would like that, right?"

"Hmm," Phobos mused quietly, then stepped forward and kissed me.

My brain short-circuited. His tail was back, and it wrapped itself around my waist, keeping me close to him. His lips were soft and gentle, his hands strong and sturdy. I felt like I could melt in arms. I couldn't even bring myself to kiss him back.

And then the kiss was over as suddenly as it had begun. His tail slid across my cheek as he smirked at me, stepping back. I suddenly felt used.

"Go to your room," Phobos ordered. "I have a lot to think about of I'm going to visit my brother tomorrow." He stepped inside his room and shut the door in my face.

I felt the sudden urge to cut off his stupidly stupid tail. I stormed away, ignoring the other servants I walked by. How dare he use me the way he had? He lavished me with attention one minute and the next he went back to treating me like scum. Was I a mere human or a special one?

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