June 25, 2015

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Alex's P.O.V.

2014 came and went as quick as a day. Life was moving quickly and so was Scott and I's relationship. We had been together for two years now. And I knew that it wouldn't be ending any time soon. We were both happier now then we ever were before.

It was great to watch them releasing more eps and a Christmas album. A Christmas album that went platinum. A Grammy nomination. Getting one million subscribers on SuperFruit. Winning a Grammy. Going on tour in America, Europe and South East Asia. Announcing a tour with Kelly Clarkson. It was all so overwhelming for them! And me!

In January of 2015 Scott, Mitch and I and three other friends, Chris, Hayden and Justin moved into a new apartment. It was bigger then what all of us were used to but there was also more of us living there. Although we were never all in the house at any one time. Scott and Mitch would be touring. Or I'd be at work. Or Chris and Hayden and Justin would be doing something with their lives. It was fun though and great to not have to use car fuel on trips back and forth to different apartments.

As for Scott's depression, it was almost non existent. It took over a year of hard work from him and Lisa and all of the people who love him but he got there. We had ups, we had downs and we had everything in between but Scott stayed persistent. He was determined to beat the monster that was living in his head. He had learned to love himself and to feel loved by us. He had been completely taken off of anti depressants by now. And yeah, he still had bad moments but they weren't nearly as bad and never lasted as long. And he knew how to control them now.

It was now June of 2015 and it was raining. Raining hard. I was sat in my car, Starbucks in a take out container in hand, four of them. The rain was pounding down on the windscreen, bouncing off of the tarmac. I zipped up my jacket and pulled the hood over my head. I swung the door open and ran as fast as I could without spilling the coffee to the door of our apartment. Almost dodging the rain drops as I went.

I opened the door and walked in, shaking my body to free myself from the excess water. I placed the Starbucks down on the kitchen counter and turned to see Scott and Mitch who were both smiling. Mitch walked past me and grabbed his Starbucks.

"Thanks for that Ali! Love you." Mitch sang as he walked up the stairs to his room. I rolled my eyes, laughing at him and then turned back to the smiling Scott.

"Hey." He greeted, kissing my cheek before reaching for his Starbucks. He looked out the window intently for a second and then turned back to me. "We should go for a walk!" He announced, grabbing my hand.

"Scotty, baby, it's raining!" I pointed out, laughing at his excitement. He swung our arms back and forth between us, pouting.

"I don't care. We can wear a coat and we'll be fine!" Scott pleaded. I looked at him quizzically. His excitement made me laugh. It was like watching a small child. "Come on Ali! It will be fun! We can jump I in puddles!" He suggested.

I laughed and nodded. "Okay, but don't blame me when you have pneumonia!! You have tour in a week! And you don't want to let Kelly Clarkson down." I teased.

"Ughhhhhhh! Don't remind me! I love tour but I hate leaving you!" He complained, kissing me briefly.

"I'll come to see some of the shows, you know I will! And you have like three days in LA in August and we can hang out then!" I told him, opening the door as he grabbed his coat. We stepped outside the ledge of the porch still covering our heads.

I looked across at the mist being created by the rain. "Wow it really is raining!" Scott said, running straight into the rain. He held his arms up into the air and laughed loudly. I watched as he spun around in circles, smiling wide. I was caught off guard by how free he looked. Free as the wind, no one could stop him and it made me unbelievably happy!

"Come on Alex! We should go to the park!"he said over the loud rain, running forward to take my hand. I was pulled forward into the rain. I then realised that anyone who saw us would think we were crazy. The rain was so heavy that there were no cars out. The whole place was deserted which was a rarity for LA.

"Why does this excite you so much?" I asked, linking my fingers with his. We walked down the road and towards the park.

"There's something liberating about being in the rain don't you think? It's like nothing really matters because you can't dodge the drips! You're gonna get wet either way!" He explained.

My eyes went wide. "Wow! You're amazing!" I breathed, stopping in my tracks. Scott stopped and turned to me, smiling widely. We were stood in the middle of an empty road. It was like we had survived a zombie apocalypse. The only people left on earth were us.

"I'm singing in the rain! Just singing in the rain! What a glorious feeling! I'm happy again!" Scott began to sing, spinning me around. He continued to sing loudly as I laughed my head off. He took both of my hands in his and spun us around. The rain was drenching my hair but I didn't care by now. This was the most fun I had had in a while.

"What a glorious feeling! I'm happy again!" Scott finished, stopping us in our tracks. Both of us were out of breath, me from laughing, Scott from singing. A silence fell over us, the only sound to be heard was the rain, our heavy breathing and the pounding of my heart.

"Are we going to do that really cliche kiss in the rain thing?" I asked, giggling.

"I mean if you want to." He said and I saw that insecurity and anxiety flash over his features for a second. Not for long though as I quickly connected our lips.

Scott immediately followed my lead, his arms moving around my neck. My left hand rested against the arch of his back, while my right cupped his cheek. The rain falling down on top of us, hard. I let myself go, letting all the thoughts of the world wash over me just like the rain. Nothing mattered right now because I was kissing the love of my life.


Both Scott and I jumped away from each other when we heard the car horn. We both turned to see an agitated looking young man. "Are you crazy?! Get out of the road!" He screamed out of his window. I turned back to Scott and began to laugh and soon he joined in as the man in the car honked his horn again.

We ran to the sidewalk and out of the way, still laughing. "That was fun!" Scott said as we began to walk back to our apartment. He was still laughing, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. I watched as his eyes crinkled and he held his stomach, stopping to try and calm himself. He was absolutely perfect! In every single way and I suddenly got an idea. An idea that I hopped he was ready for just as much as I was!

This is the second last chapter. There was a huge time skip in this chapter which I hope you all are okay with! There is 100% a sequel coming for this book so don't worry it's not ending yet. I can't let go of stories that easily 😂 thanks for reading!
Love yall

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