Not an Update

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Okay, hi! First of all I do have a reason for not updating. I was on holiday in Thailand for two weeks and every time I tried to write I would start to over heat! I'm not used to heat over 20 degrees Celsius and the temperature where I was was mid thirties-early forties. I then tried to update while on the twelve hour plane journey home but was sat next to my boarder line homophobic and extremely nosey father, so that wasn't happening. So I hope you can forgive me for these reasons.
Second of all I have discovered that my thoughts aren't really in the right state to be writing about other people. I've been having some identity/gender/sexuality issues for quite a while now and recently I just can't seem to concentrate on much. So I have decided to take another two week break while I go to drama camp and try to clear my thoughts!

I'm really sorry but thank you for understanding!

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