February 7, 2013

552 27 13

Scott's P.O.V.

"Where are you going?" Mitch asked, as I grabbed my keys. I turned and looked at him. He was smiling mischievously. "Off to see lover boy?" He asked, smirking. I shook my head and walked over to the couch.

"He's hardly 'lover boy'." I mumbled, falling down onto the couch. Mitch frowned. I watched his face as sudden realisation dawned on him.

"You haven't even kissed him yet have you?" His mouth was wide and I could see he was trying to suppress a laugh. I rolled my eyes slapping his stomach.

"Not everyone makes out on the first date, you know that right?" I said, standing up just as he grabbed ahold of my leg, pulling back down to sit right next to him. I turned to look at him as he squinted his eyes. He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Please just be careful. I can tell you know. I can tell you've fallen for him and I don't want him to hurt you. And if he does, I'll knock him out." I laughed and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, I'll hire someone to knock him out. I love you, now go and have fun." He said wrapping me into a hug. I smiled.

"I love you too." I whispered as he released me. "See ya later." I said in a British accent, walking out the door.

"There it is!" He called after me, making me giggle.

Mitch was probably the one person that held me up. He kept me sane when everything was going wrong. He kept me calm when I began to panic. He held me close whenever I was scared. He snapped me back into reality when I wasn't with it. I love him for everything he does for me! He's the best friend anyone could ask for.

I climbed into my car and started the engine and was suddenly stopped by a thought. Maybe Alex wasn't all that into me! We had been seeing each other for weeks now and we still hadn't kissed. It's probably my fault. I'm just so annoying. I can tell that I'm annoying. I'm surprised Mitch hasn't walked away from me or hasn't let me off myself yet.

I shook my head as I pulled into Alex's drive. The parking lot was mostly empty, apart from a couple of cars. I got out of my car and began to walk towards the door. My heart rate sped up as I pressed the buzzer.

I felt nervous. My anxiety was on a high today. I could almost tell that if I didn't relax I was going to have a panic attack. "Hellllllloooo!" I heard Alex call through the speaker. I giggled. Suddenly I relaxed.

"Let me in!" I giggled. I could hear him breathing on the other end. Soft breaths that sounded like the wind whistling through the trees.

"Ummm.... I don't feel like it today. Sorry, I think I'll just leave you outside." He teased. I could picture the smile on his face, the one that would reach his hazelnut eyes and make them sparkle like the stars in the sky.

"Come on, Captain Kirk." I begged, stepping back from the door a little. I was answered with silence, so I moved back and looked up. As my eyes moved along each window, I spotted him. His face was pressed against the window, a huge smile on his face.

I shook my head at him, laughing. My feet began to shuffle on the ground. I became that good kind of nervous, the one that warms your insides. He began to make faces at me from the window. I rolled my eyes, pretending to ignore him but then I felt a buzzing in my pocket.

"Hoying! Pay attention to me." His voice came through the receiver as soon as I accepted the call. He was now sat on the couch, his elbows propped on the window sill, still making faces out the window at me.

"Only if you let me in." I said, my eyes shifting to the ground. I straitened my feet out realising that they were in that weird position that feet go into when you are nervous. Like, when the sides of your feet are balancing all of your weight.

"Never..." He whispered. I felt myself shiver at his words, they were chilling and his voice sounded beautiful, just like his personality and his face and his everything.

I smirked as someone walked towards the door on their way out. I looked up and winked at Alex before walking towards the door. I walked in. "Ha, I'm in. Dum dum dah dah dum dum dah dah." I softly sang the tune to James Bond to him as he giggled. "Bye Alex!" I called, hanging up.

I made my way to his door and it was flung open just as I was about to knock. Alex bowed to me and smiled. "Hi, Alex." I said, walking into his apartment. He put his hand on my chest, stopping me from progressing any further.

"No, no, we're going out. Come on." He pushed me out of the apartment and lead me back down the stairs. We got in his car and began to drive. I rolled all the windows down and blasted the music from the speakers.

As we drove along I let my arm hang out the window, the wind flowing over it like a tidal wave. My thoughts were calm and I was completely free. It wasn't me against the world today. It was me with the world. Nothing really mattered apart from the fact that I was right here, right now, care free and happy.

I felt a pair of eyes on me. "Please watch the road, Ali! I don't want to crash." I turned to look at him and for a moment I saw how his eyes glistened in the sunlight and how that confidence that was usually present on his features had disappeared. He then rolled his eyes and turned back to the road. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"I'm going to murder you." He said monotonically. My head snapped to the side as I frowned at him. He burst out laughing. "I'm joking. You should have seen your face though. We're going to a park." He smiled and I relaxed again.

"It baffles me that you're not pursuing an acting career, Alexander." I said as he pulled into a parking space. I opened the door and stepped out and was immediately met with a large open green area. I breathed in through my nose and closed my eyes, soaking up the sun.

"Come on, Dora!" Alex said, taking my hand. My eyes snapped open and my heart slammed against my chest. His hand felt so warm and comforting. I nearly pulled my own hand away in shock. He had just taken my hand into his! He was holding my hand! What am I? Twelve? Why was this making me feel like a grass hopper?!

Alex dragged me along and only now did I notice the basket in his hand. We got to the middle of the green and sat down.

The day was spent, laughing and talking. Both of us taking turns to try and throw a grape into the others mouth. Laying back and watching the clouds move over us, trying to make out what shape they were. Taking turns to push each other on the swing set in the playground, listening to the other giggle as we soared high in the sky. Sharing an ice cream because why not! Then slowly watching the sun set over the horizon and heading back to the car. Driving in the darkness of the LA road, the only light being the street lights and shop windows, closing down for the day. Then stopping off in a McDonald's to get a portion of chips. Singing along to the radio as we drove back to Alex's apartment.

"I had fun today." I whispered as I leant against the wall outside Alex's apartment. He smiled, his eyes twinkling in the dark light.

"Me too. Do you want to come inside?" He asked. I felt my heart skip a beat and a wave of anxiety wash over me. No, Scott keep it together. You only need to get home.

"It's getting late. Mitch will be wondering where I am and I've got rehearsals early in the morning, so I should get going." I said and Alex nodded, understanding.

I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back and a silence fell over us. The only noise I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I slowly began to realise that Alex's hand was moving. Moving up to my face to gently cup my cheek. I felt my eyes flutter closed as I began to lean in. Our lips met finally in the middle. I felt my stomach do leaps and my heart rate quicken. My hands began to tingle and it was like electricity was moving through me. I was becoming dizzy and out of breath and the we both broke away. It was over. We had kissed. And wow. It was good.

I swallowed hard, trying to regain some of my composure. "Um... I..um...good night then." I stuttered, as Alex's hand fell from my face.

"Yeah....I'll..uh... Talk...later..." Alex stuttered back. My feet seemed stuck to the ground though. I was lost in his eyes. His beautiful hazelnut eyes. The ones with flecks of gold and yellow in them like they were on fire. I let out a deep breath and turned.

"Bye, Alex." I whispered, beginning my descent of the stairs.

"Bye, Scott."

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