Shangri La jungle

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After being helped by the film crew in Siberia, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofenn arrives in a deserted jungle named Shangri La. Now, Richtofen had been in this jungle before, when he and the other scientists who went against Maxis tested the teleporter. When Richtofen arrived in the jungle, he was worshipped as a god by the natives before returning.

He also found strange technologies in the jungle temple. Now that he returned he saw that the jungle was infested with his former worshippers. They had been transformed into zombies (I don't know how and what transformed them considering Edward only went there once). While fighting the zombies, the found radios of two explorers who once went there and who accidentally released the zombies. The explorers got killed by the zombies but were rescued when Richtofen and company came back in time to save them.

But the explorers soon found out that they were in a time loop because they kept experiencing the moment they found the temple. Now, while exploring the now nearly destroyed, zombie infested temple, Richtofen obtained another object he needed (Can't remember what. Been a long time since I was into this, sorry guys).

Next step: Moon.

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