Peter McCain

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Peter McCain was a spy sent in by the americans to watch over Group 935. They blieved that the group was becoming powerful and wanted to know what happened. But, during his spying, Peter was sent to Verruckt to reinforce the research there. The americans thought he was compromised and sent a 5-man rescue squad to bring him out. But, the marines were shot down by a anti-air at a desolated German outpost. 4 survived the crash but the fifth was too wounded to move and he became a victim to the nazi zombies that swarmed the outpost.

After fighting of zombie after zombie, they realized that Verruckt was behind the forest they keep seeing, so they made a run for it and arrived at dawn. They found the asylum in ruins and abandoned, right until zombies starting rising again. They fought them off, but when the fighting was done, 2 of the marines was dead.

The last 2 were captured by 935 reinforcements who were sent to contain the asylum but failed (Shoot the zombies in the head, or get some experience before you get sent to contain a important research asylum?)

Before the marines came, Verruckt got attacked by other zombies, while trying to turn the power on, a zombie bit of Peter's hand and he had to get it off to prevent being infected. Then somehow he got to Shi No Numa. A message was sent to him, but he didn't recieve it. The messanger told that they had failed to contain the asylum and that Der Riese must be held, that the DG-2 experiments were proceeding. He told Peter to find Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Maxis since they maybe knew what was going on. But Richtofen hanged Peter before that could happen.

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