Test nr. 6

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Ok, in this test Maxis and Richtofen tried to teleport Fluffy. But, the teleporter stalled in the middle of teleporting and she came back as a hellhound. Samantha came in horrified to see her beloved and still pregnant Fluffy in such a state.

As soon as Maxis told Richtofen to get her out of the room, Fluffy attacked and Samantha screamed. Richtofen ran out himself and while the hellhound was destroying the lab, Richtofen locked them in the test chamber, and then proceeded to teleport them. Samantha died but her soul began to haunt Der Riese.

After teleporting them, zombies were suddenly released onto the scientists and while trying to escape these undead soldiers, the scientists were also attempting to destroy the designated materials.

The soldiers tried shooting back, but to no avail. They were soon overrun and Der Riese was abandoned while the zombies there still roam the facility.

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