"The Uchiha do not need allies with Senju scum." Came Tajima's response, it was as if I suddenly forgot how to breath.

"If that's what it takes, we will remove the Senju from our alliance."


"Oh really?" Tajima smirked very wide. "Would you just look at your daughters reaction, her great and wise father siding with the enemy." If this was what everyone had been hiding from my knowledge, that my father had planned to join with the Uchiha, I was horrified.

My outer family, the Uzumaki and Senju would never have thought of building an alliance with the Uchiha while dismissing ties with our allies. Yes they had their views, but actually carrying out those views? A civil war would start. Perhaps my father plans on betraying his family, but who will follow him? Me? My sister and mother?

"Please consider it..." Father finished in a somewhat defeated tone as he tried not to glance at me.

"No." Tajima stated his smile dropping from his face. My father went to answer but Tajima was not finished. "I will have a private meeting with you and then I will give you my answer." This seemed to have relaxed Atsushi.

"Atsushi-" That was my mother before father turned to us and spoke.

"It's alright. Myself and master Tajima need a private audience." His voice was even, although I could see the stern look in his eye warning me, if I made a mistake, everything could be on jeopardy. Yes me, I was not the quietest when stating my opinion. But maybe a liability was what I was searching for right now?

I merely bowed my head to my father and the audience, stood up and exited without a second glance at the gathering. Others seemed to be leaving from the rustling of fabrics behind me. I looked up from the ground as I began walking away from the meeting place. The building sat on a deserted road, the type that you would see a random stray dog trotting down with its tongue happily dangling from its mouth.

I was about to follow my sister who was already half way up the road in front of me when a hand suddenly clutched my wrist. I almost squeaked as I was pulled backwards but another hand placed itself over my mouth. I didn't have to guess who it was when my back hit an alleyway wall.

"Your fathers rather sneaky isn't he?" He spoke with his head rather close and his free arm trapping me between him and the wall. I glared lifting my own hands to remove his palm from my lips.

"Idiot! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" I whispered harshly as a smirk graced his lips in amusement. "I was freaking out."

"I thought it would be funny." He retorted rolling his eyes with a small chuckle. I pouted as he made eye contact with me again. "And it was."

"I'll get you back. Just you wait Isamu." I mocked causing his eyebrow to twitch awkwardly.

"Stop calling me that!" He groaned irritated as he closed his eyes.

"Hey! I'm not the one who chose it!" I giggled with a large grin on my face at his annoyance.

"Just-follow me." Madara grumbled moving away and letting me stand up properly.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously and slyly followed him out of the alleyway. He didn't answer and suddenly took off running down the dirt of the Uchiha compounds roads.

"Oi! Pin head!" I growled trying to catch up with him as my many accessories bounced with each step.

"Those are so annoying." He grumbled suddenly facing me and gripped my arm roughly.

Madara Uchiha | the thorns in the shadowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora