"Do you have work today?" My dad asked.

"Oh right! Thanks for reminding me!" I said quickly.

I quickly finished my pizza. I grabbed a second one and took a bite out of it.

"I'll see you later!" I said with a mouthful of food.

He chuckled and shook his head.

“You can use some manners” He said.

“Yeah. Like thats gonna happen” I said.

He chuckled. I put on my helmet and grabbed my skateboard. I rode down the street with the pizza still in my hand. I was done with the pizza when I got to the studio.

"Am I late?!" I said as I walked in.

"No. Just barely. I had to cover for you!" Mark said.

"Thank you!!" I said.

I took off my helmet and put it and my skateboard behind the front desk.

"Boss told me to tell you that you have to clean booth A and B." he said.

"Aww man. Why A?" I said.

"Well I'm suppose to clean A but I had to cover for you so you clean it" he said smirking.

"Fine" I said defeated.

I walked into booth A. It was the last place that I wanted to be in right now. No one barely even uses this booth. It's like so old and ugh. It's scary just to even look at it. After a horrible 30 minutes of cleaning I was finally done. Now. I have to clean booth B. Ughhhh. But at least I got to clean the best booth in this place! It's the one that many celebrities use. When I got in booth B I looked around about to admire the place but it was all trashed. Well not the place where I was at right now. I was where all the buttons were on controlling the music and all that. I cleaned all that, which wasn't very hard. It's usually really clean. But when I went to where the people sing at...holy fudge. It was a mess. Balled up papers were everywhere. Cups were in a corner. The mics were all knocked down.

A huge wet puddle was in the corner. That better not be what I am thinking it is... "I want food" was written on the wall. Who the fudge was in here?! And who even let them in here?! I sighed angrily knowing that I have I clean all his up. Who seriously writes on the wall. In the most expensive recording booth here!! At least the idiots who were here aren't here anymore. And hopefully they don't come back. Even after 30 minutes I’m still not done. These idiots. Mark came in. “Boss told me when you are done that you have to lock up” He said then left. I sighed. I hate locking up the place. I feel so alone in here. And it gets really dark and scarier at night. I decided to take a break since I am no where near done cleaning this place. I took out my little notepad I keep in my pocket and set it down on my lap. I sat down and grabbed a guitar that was in here. I started playing and sang softly.

(AN: The song is called Brand New Day by Skilyr Hicks! She auditioned for Americas Got Talent and i just love her song so much. VIDEO ON THE SIDE. So all credit goes to her!!)

“My heart is sad

And filled with sorrow 

I know theres hope for a better tomorrow 

I tell myself i will be alright

But the tears keep coming theres no way to fight

I pray to god to keep me strong

To give me the will to forget and move on

Its a brand new day

Nothing can stand in your way

Its a brand new day

Everything will be okay

Its a brand new day"


I stopped singing and sighed. Thats all I got so far. I grabbed my little notepad and put it back in my pocket. I sighed again. I still have a lot more cleaning to do. When I find these idiots that did this I am gonna hurt them.

Niall’s P.O.V



“Stop making a mess!” Liam said.

“Says the one who spilled his tea on floor” Louis said smirking.

“It was an accident!” Liam shot back.

“Its not like we are gonna be cleaning it up” Harry said.

I shook my head at them. They are completely destroying the booth. It was all Louis idea and now we are all a part of it. I feel sorry for whoever has to clean this up. Oh well.

“Alright. Time to go.” head of management said.

We all walked out of the booth quickly so that he wouldn’t see what we did to it.

“Well I don’t think we will be aloud to back there ever again” Liam said as we got in the car.

“Agreed” We all said.

We got back to our house after about five minutes. We weren’t that far from the studio.

“I need some food!” I said as I ran got out of the car and ran to the house.

I heard the lads laugh behind me. I opened the door and ran for the kitchen. There were some leftover chicken from last night so I heated it up in the microwave. I reached into my pocket for my phone so I could check twitter. Wait. Crap. I forgot my phone at the studio!

“Crap!” I said quickly.

I ate the chicken as quickly as I could.

“Why are you eating faster than usual?” Zayn said.

“I forgot my phone at the studio. But I wanted to eat first...” I said.

“Do you want me to drive you?” Louis asked.

“Nah. I’ll walk” I said.

I put my plate in the sink and headed for the door. I walked quickly back to the studio.

“Erm I forgot my phone. Can I go get it?” I asked the boy.

“Sure” He said.

I went back to the booth that the lads and I were in. But before I opened the door to it I saw someone in there. I think she was singing an original since I haven’t heard this song before. She sang the song so beautifully but she stopped after what seemed to be the chorus. She must have not finished it. But I couldn’t exactly see her. The back part of her was the only thing I could see. She stood up and I quickly grabbed my phone and ran out of there. I didn’t want her to know that I was watching her. I ran out of the studio and back to the house. By the time I got there I was panting really hard. I flopped down onto the couch.

“Did you run all the way?” Liam said. I nodded.

“Why?” Harry said.

“I saw someone there. In our booth. She was singing an original and let me tell you it was amazing! But...I couldn’t exactly see her face. The only thing I can remember is her voice” I said.

“Let me guess. You want to find her” Louis said.

I nodded sitting up.

“But how?” Harry said.

“I don’t know... She can’t live far from here. So we can maybe go to everyones house? Or maybe to a school nearby! She seems like she is still in her senior year of high school.” I said.

“Alright. We will find Nialls princess!!” Louis yelled.

I laughed at him. I’m not exactly sure if she could be my princess. But I am sure that I need to find her.


Once Upon A Song (Niall Horan) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now