Part 27

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The initial jolt of healing energy woke him up, but Char hadn't remained conscious very long. Meri watched in fascination as Char's glistening muscles were covered by smooth, pale skin. The skin seemed to come from nowhere, as if pouring out of the muscles themselves. Meri knew that wasn't quite true. The few fragments of skin that had been left on Char were being encouraged through prayer to grow and multiply.

Meri had never seen a prayer chain this large. In fact, she had never even heard of a prayer chain this large. She watched the white flows of healing power floating like a mist between the women, with Lilith glowing as the sun.

Meri knew that the women were also sharing thoughts through their connection. Were they thinking about her? About Char? They must know why they were healing a man instead of the wounded warriors around them.

Her face grew warm with shame, but still she watched the healing. The skin looked complete now. Meri could see color returning to the flesh. Hair was beginning to sprout on Char's scalp. Meri reached out her own energy toward the glow of healing. Her curiosity demanded to know how he was doing.

As soon as her healing energy touched the glows around the women, their heads snapped toward her as one. Each face was angry. Every pair of eyes was accusing. They pushed her energy away, like a curtain being pulled across a room.

Meri stepped back, covering her mouth.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine." Meri felt a heavy hand on her shoulder and turned her head to see Bast standing behind her. The general was holding her side, but she was smiling. "I never would have figured you to be the mating type, though."

"We are not mated!" Meri wished everyone would stop assuming that.

Bast shrugged, "Suit yourself. But there's no shame in it. No one can control who they fall in love with." Before Meri could protest again, she gave her shoulder a little punch. "Come with me. We need your powers before they kick you out of those robes."

Meri sputtered, but Bast was already moving away, weaving through the mats toward the front of the temple. She looked back over her shoulder to meet Meri's eyes. Meri frowned, but then followed, running a few steps to catch up with her.

"All right, warriors. Listen up!" Bast spoke loud enough to be heard across the entire room, her stone voice causing heads to swivel. "Naptime is over. If you can move, I want you on your feet. If you can stand, I need you outside. Battle calls us. You can sleep when you're dead. Osiris awaits us!"

The priestesses in the room gaped at Bast in horror. Many of these warriors were still very wounded. Meri was sure that many of them could walk, but the real question was should they walk?

One of the priestesses closest to Bast, robes clasped in wringing hands, protested, "These women could die of internal injuries before they pick up a weapon to fight again!"

Bast set her jaw, muttering under her breath, "Them's the ropes, sister," then, loud enough to be heard, "If your patient still needs healing, then come with us. Your powers are also needed in battle."

The priestess was dismayed, but she nodded without argument.

Bast looked back to Meri, "Let's check the damages outside."

# # #

Energy level: 298%

Kerr grimaced at the readout on his LENS. He still had no control of his body, whatsoever. He had been moving at a blinding rate for the last half hour or so. The suit seemed to be in a holding pattern. He had run past remains of the boar's remains 23 times now. With nothing else to do, Kerr had been counting.

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