Part 25

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And in a flash of light, the magic power snapped out of existence. Bast, whose back had been arched, fell to the ground with an exhale of breath—eyes closed.

Kit spun and slapped Meri across the face with all her force. The sudden blow made Meri double over, and almost fall on top of a wounded warrior to her right.

Kit's face was purple, "How dare you interrupt us while we are healing? Do you realize what you could have done?"

Meri held her cheek in shame, looking down at Bast's panting, sweating body. She glanced up at Kit's eyes and then back down, this time at the ground. She opened her mouth to talk, but Kit cut her off. Her voice was strong and commanding. "So the hunting party has returned? We need them on the walls. We need you healing these warriors. Move as fast as you can. If they are to die, find another to heal."

Kit nodded to the two other priestesses who had been standing with her. They had already moved on to other warriors, covering them in the white light of healing.

"Mut and Layla are your back-up healers. If you find someone that you think you can save with a chain of power, call out to them and only them." Kit's voice was hard—the voice of a leader. The voice left no room for question.

Meri opened her mouth and squeaked, "I cannot heal."

Kit had already been turning away. She snapped back, "You are not injured, I can see—"

Kit's eyes opened wide. She had looked Meri up and down and could now see injuries of Char. Kit was the fastest priestess they had at diagnosis, but she had to be able to see the healing strands of magic stretching from Meri to Char. Then, her eyes narrowing, Kit had to be able to see also the feather wisps of bond between them...

Kit's mouth dropped in horror, "What have you done?" She took a step back in disgust, "How fast do you betray your robes? How fast you tear them and cover them with mud! You are forbidden to mate. You are forbidden to bond. You betray our very way of life!" She sputtered in disbelief, unable to form words. At long last, she managed in a whisper, "How could you?"

Kit shook her head to clear the thought. "No time for that. We will be discussing your dismissal and banishment later. I have a mind to just let you die, except for your need as a healer right now."

Closing her eyes for concentration, Kit threw the voice of her mind to the surrounding priestesses. I need ten to chain right now!

Around Meri, women lifted their heads at the sound of Kit's voice. Their magical healing stopped and the warriors they were healing slumped to the floor. Meri gulped as she realized she was putting those women at risk by using their attending priestesses to heal Char. Her shame deepened.

Kit stepped up to Salatis, no longer looking at Meri at all. Salatis kept his eyes down in deference. Kit snapped her fingers to pull his eyes back up to hers. She leaned close to him, her jaw tense. "Just try to keep him still," she said.

Salatis nodded.

Kit stretched a hand out over Char's chest. Meri could feel a pressure being lifted through the bond. Kit had taken control of his heart beat and breathing, increasing the rhythm of both. Around her, the ten priestesses who Kit had called were pushing past, shoving her further away from Char. Each one of them either touched Kit's shoulder or stretched out a hand toward her. All of them bowed their heads.

Gentle clouds of light uncurled from each priestess, floating toward Kit. Kit was surrounded with the clouds of light until she started to give off a glow, herself. Kit was gathering the healing energy of all ten priestesses. The cloud of magic pressed tight to her.

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