Part 16

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The hunters didn't have time to react as the creature plowed through them. In a similar motion to the knife-wielding hunters, the creature cut with its four-clawed paw as it ran. It ran on its two back legs so it could slash on both sides. The claws melted through human flesh. These women fell, screaming and holding their sides and faces.

And then the snake was plunging into the crowd, snatching up women by the heads and flinging them away to the ground.

The creature continued to gallop as it passed away from the crowd of women, getting a short distance from them before spinning again, using one flap of its wings to change his momentum. Instead of charging, it just crouched, licking the blood from its front claws. It looked up, smiling as it watched them. It was a dark, evil smile. Above it, the snake head was busy chewing on a chunk of red flesh. Liquid poured from the mouth as it chewed—a mixture of blood, venom, and drool. This liquid ran down the side of the beast, mixing with the blood oozing from the knife wounds in its side.

The women did not run toward it this time. If anything, they retreated. One hunter gave an un-warrior-like scream as she looked at the headless body of a comrade lying crumpled on the ground. Three of the wounded women began to limp away as fast as they could, one of them whimpering.

Maani was the one who called it. Her left arm hung loose from a broken, bloody shoulder. She held this arm with her right hand. Her weapons were nowhere to be found. Tears of anger, pain, and fear ran down her cheeks. "Retreat!" she yelled.

The women wasted no time following her command. They turned as one and began to run. The hunter who had screamed covered her mouth to muffle herself, but could still be heard as she retreated, the screams still coming from her in hysteria.

The creature gave a mighty lion's roar, holding back its head in triumph. Then, lowering its head once more, it sprang forward toward the fleeing women. The slowest of the women was trying to limp away holding a broken, bloodied leg. The creature bit into her midsection, pulling her off the ground. The woman let out a bloodcurdling scream as the creature shook her from side to side. The scream ended as the snake removed her head in one quick plunge. A quick slash using both paws separated what was left of the woman into two halves, which it threw to either side in a torrent of blood.

More of the women were screaming now as they looked back over their shoulders. For many of them, this was the first time they were in real danger of their lives. They fled as if Anubis himself were behind them.

The creature leaned on its back paws, smiling at the running women. Then it opened its mouth wide, lower jaw unhinging as its teeth spread. The rumble in its stomach was audible by all. The sound of rushing water could be heard...

Steaming liquid spewed from the mouth like a flood, engulfing three of the women. They screamed in agony as first their flesh, and then their muscles began to bubble away. Their screams of pain turned to gurgles as their throats burned and melted. The beast hopped forward a step and took a swipe at the burning women, tossing them into the air.

High above them, Samia watched in horror, "No gods," she cried, tears flowing unbidden down her face. "Please let it stop. We cannot take any more. Please gods. Please."

And then Meri was beside her. The healer was surrounded by a golden glow. Unintelligible words tumbled from her mouth. She was praying.

"I pray to Wadjet, the cobra. I pray to Hathor, who runs with the lion. Give me power, Apep, serpent god." She bowed her head in silent prayer. The wind whipped her robes against her as the halo of light around her grew even brighter.

And then Samia could move again. She stepped back from Meri. This spot was becoming ground most holy.

The light around Meri was now becoming difficult to look at. It stretched away from her, drifting upward like brilliant smoke.

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