Chapter Ten

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We finally had arrived in D.C. and were walking through metal detectors till they had stopped Charles. "Can I see your invitations please?" one of the guards asked.

Charles placed his hand on his temple and spoke, "Yes you may. These three are with me."

"Go ahead," the guard said, letting us pass.

"Thank you," Charles muttered as Hank rolled him forward and we all passed by. We walked to the middle while Charles looked around, trying to find Raven. He shook his head, "I haven't found her yet, but she has to be here."

"Welcome, the President of the United States," someone introduced and the national anthem began to play. Charles glanced at the stage and his mouth gaped in shock.

"My fellow Americans. Today, we face the greatest threat in our history," Nixon began, his voice echoing over the speakers, "Mutants. We have prepared for this threat. In the words of Robert Ropenhiemer, behold! The world, will never be the same again!"

The red, white, and blue curtain fell behind him, revealing six gigantic robots. The crowd stood up and applauded in joy. "Raven," Charles muttered. He must have found her. " I have her. There, you see? Secret servicemen." He pointed to the guy near the stage with his hand inside his jacket. "Left of the stage."

"Got it," Logan said and him, Hank, and I walked over to her. The robots's eyes suddenly blinked yellow, tilting their heads up. They all began to hover, flying upwards.

"You cannot pass this point," a guard stopped us short, placing his hand out.

In the spur of the moment, the robots began shooting down at the ground, bullets pelting hard on the ground. "Run!" I yelled, noticing one of the robots was aiming toward us. We all ran the other way, trying to find some place for cover. People panicked, running in all directions and we lost sight of where Raven went.

The shooting had soon came to a stop as the robots flew toward what looked like the stadium of a baseball field. The stadium flew right above us, starting to lower down. "Charles!" Logan shouted, noticing the railing was about to fall on Charles. Rapidly, Charles jumped off his wheel chair, saving himself from getting hit. I ducked my head, avoiding getting hit by the loose railings falling over us.

Erik slowly floated onto the surface, dressed in a familiar helmet and cape, along with the robots he was controlling. "Guys look. Come see this," I waved over to Logan and Hank as I climbed off from some of the rubble. They followed, watching as Erik had arrived.

In the midst of our hiding, Hank asked, "I'm probably not supposed to ask this, but in the future, do I make it?"

"No," Logan simply stated. Hank turned to him with wide eyes in worry. "But we can change that," he reassured.

Hank yanked off his glasses, a shade of blue started to spread over his light skin. After a few seconds, he was already morphed into his beast form and roared, bearing his teeth. Erik had heard and turned to us, ordering to one of the robots, "Do what you were made for."

The robot aimed its arm toward us and started shooting in our directions, causing us to disperse in different directions. "Isabelle, go look for Charles," Logan ordered as he lunged toward the robot.

I looked back nervously at him then decided to comply, running the other direction. "Charles!" I called out, hoping he'd hear me before I got found as I ran through all the destruction.

"Iz," I heard a faint whimper nearby.

Following where the sound had came from, I glanced around to make sure I hadn't been seen. I quickly spotted Charles on the floor, trying to drag himself up. "Charles," I shouted and ran over to help him up.

"Where are the others?" Charles asked.

"They're out there fighting. Logan wanted me to find you,"I quickly explained, wrapping an arm around him for support. "Where's your wheelchair?"

He pointed to the large rubble that was mounted over a crushed chair. "Well then," I frowned.

"Hold on. I found Raven," Charles placed a hand to his temple, focusing on her mind. I squinted my eyes to see a familiar blue figure aiming her gun at Trask. Charles spoke to her, trying to convince her not to shoot.

Hank had approached us, back in human form and helped me carry Charles. "Shut her down Charles," Hank muttered, referring to Raven.

"Everything that happens now is in your hands. I have faith in you Raven," Charles continued. From afar, I could see Raven hesitating then finally, she lowered her gun and dropped it to the floor. We all sighed in relief.

With a turn, Raven took off the helmet on Erik, who had been lying on the ground and yelled, "He's all yours Charles." Charles focused on Erik, waking him up from his unconscious state.

Erik glanced at the helmet on the ground, then back at us. "If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead," he stated, "You know that?"

"I know," Charles responded.

"Goodbye old friend," Erik said to Charles, then glanced at me, unsure of what to possibly say.

"Goodbye Erik," Charles stopped him short.

With a nod, Erik glanced at Raven then levitated himself far away into the distance. Raven glanced back at us with a grim expression, then walked off as well in silence. "You sure you should let them go?" Hank asked.

"Yes, I have hope for them," Charles responded, "There's going to be a time when we are all together."

"And what about Logan?" Hank questioned, remembering just a few minutes ago, Logan was thrown into the ocean with metal bars pushed through his skin by Erik.

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