Chapter Five

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"You never told me why you were on the run," Erik muttered as we sat on a train to Montreal. We had intel that someone who used to work for Shaw lived there and we wanted to question the guy. Well more like interrogate.

"You mean the day we met?" I asked when he was referring too. I hadn't realized it, but he was right. I never even mentioned why.

"Well I was actually running away from this really crazy scientist guy who wanted to use me for experiments," I lied. He couldn't know about Charles. It'd be too awkward to bring up.

"Really? That's terrible. Well I'm glad I saved you that day," he said with sympathy.

"Save?" I chuckled.

"Well more like distracted the policemen but still, I saved you from getting caught," he smiled.

I leaned onto his shoulder, placing my hand in his as we entwined our fingers together. "And I'm so ever grateful."

He kissed the top of my head, then looked back towards the window. "Can I ask you something?" I mumbled.

"Of course you can darling," Erik smiled.

"Have you always been on your own?" I asked.

There was silence for a few seconds until he took a deep breath. "As you already know, my mother was killed by Shaw, so I was practically parentless. I didn't really have anyone to raise me and 'friends' weren't my thing. So yes, I've always been alone. I never really felt the need for companionship."

I sat back up, gazing into his eyes,"So I'm your first-"

"First love?" He interrupted with a grin. "Yes, you are. I won't lie to you and say I've never tried dating or anything of that sort but you are the first person I've actually been able to confide in. Most people see my powers and run the other way...but you, you don't seem to care about my flaws. You've chosen to stay with me, even in the darkest times."

My smile turned flat as I looked him in the eye with a serious expression to say, "Because you're not the monster that people see you as. You have so much vitality and pride, it just, makes me see the beauty under all those battle scars."

~End of Flashback~

Breaking into the pentagon. Right, cause that's easy. No big deal. I could just waltz right in, I thought. Even my own thoughts were filled with sarcasm.

Yes, we had a plan to get in but what if it didn't work? Then what? I sighed as I stood next to Quicksilver, who seemed excited as ever. We brought him along mainly cause his speed is so insane, he'd definitely be able to get us in and out without getting arrested.

While Hank messed with the security cameras, that gave us our chance to sneak in. We waited in the elevator for our victim. Somehow, Quicksilver managed to steal someone's uniform but I still needed one.

One of the workers walked into the elevator, holding a tray of lunch for Erik, I presumed. Faster than I could say 'what', Quicksilver knocked him unconscious and undressed the guy, leaving him in just his underwear.

"Here you go,"  Quicksilver smiled as he handed me the outfit.

I took the clothes and stood for a moment, feeling uncomfortable under his stare. "Um...ya mind turning around?"

"Oh yeah, sorry," he grinned and turned the other way.

I quickly slipped on the uniform and hat, which was a little(a lot) bigger than my size. "Okay I'm done," I said and he turned back around.

"Alright hold this for a sec," he handed me the tray then rapidly taped up the unconscious guy onto a corner of the elevator.

Right as he finished, the elevator door slid open, revealing two columns of soldiers standing on each side. It was terrifying. We both walked slowly past them, through the hall. My palms got sweaty and my heart beat faster with each step.

We then entered another elevator which was much shorter, revealing a hall with just one guy standing near it. At the end of the hall, was a door. This was it.

I inhaled deeply as the doors were opened automatically, entering a bright white room. We turned to our right as we walked in and on the floor was glass shaped into a pentagon.

Under it, Erik slept peacefully with folded hands and crossed legs in an all white suit. He looked the same as I had last seen him. Same light brown hair, muscular build, and quiet demeanor.

There was a mini-slot beside the shape, which was where the food was sent. I slid the tray down the slot, which slid right by Erik and had awoken him abruptly.

Erik sat up slowly, reading the note slipped into his tray that said, 'Mind the glass'. He glanced up at Quicksilver and I. His smirk faded seeing me and he narrowed his eyes, as if he was trying to figure out if it was actually me he was seeing.

Quicksilver bent down and placed both his palms on the glass. Erik stood up, confused by his plan. The glass started to hum under his fingertips and vibrate vigorously. Suddenly, the glass all crashed below and Erik covered his head, making sure he didn't get cut with any shards.

Sirens started to ring loudly and I glanced back at Quicksilver with a nervous expression. Erik leaped up onto the railing and pulled himself onto the surface, waiting for our next plan.

"In three seconds, those doors are going to open," Erik pointed out to where we were supposed to exit, " And twenty guards will be here to shoot us."

Quicksilver grabbed my hand and sped to where Erik was standing, placing his other hand on the back of his neck, "I know. That's what we're waiting for."

"What are you doing?" Erik asked in a low voice.

"I'm holding your neck so you don't get whiplash," Quicksilver told him.

"What?" Erik muttered.

"WHIP LASH," he said more slowly.

The door slowly slid open, revealing a bunch of guards aiming all their guns at us. Quicksilver pulled us along, zooming past them in a second, and we mad it to the elevator.

I stumbled back a bit, catching my breath, while Erik clung desperately to the wall, not making a sound. "It'll pass. Happens with everyone," Quicksilver changed back into his original outfit, a 'Pink Floyd' t-shirt under a silver jacket and jeans.

As Erik panted, finally catching his breath, he turned to me, "You freed me.   Do you still..."

"Have feelings for you? No," I interrupted, "I would very much love to strangle you right now, but I can't because we need you alive. So I'll save the strangling for after."

"I sense some bad history between you two," Quicksilver commented with raised eyebrows. We both gave him a 'seriously?' look but stayed quiet. "So what'd you do?" He tried breaking the silence. "Why'd you get arrested?"

"For killing the president," Erik muttered, still not fully being able to speak regularly. Quicksilver's eyes widened and he looked back at the guy who was taped to the elevator wall.

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