Chapter 3

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"oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" was all I could say as I ran away from the cows who were running at me. I climbed up the tree to not get trampled. I didn't even know I could climb a tree. The cows stampeded past the tree, I scraped my arm on the way up and opened an older cut. The cows finally ran all away but I couldn't get down.

"Help! Someone? I'm stuck in a Fucking tree!"  I mean I could jump out but I wouldn't die I'd just break a leg or something. I heard laughter and i got angry.Two kids came out from behind a shed. They were young, a little boy and a little girl.

"Gee Mr. You're sure funny." The boy said still laughing. I wanted to cry.

"Who are you? How do I get down?" I demanded.

"Well I'm Chad and this is Brianna, hey you must be our cousin.. Kurt! I see You liked our prank " I did start to cry a little.

"Prank?!? I could have been killed! It wasn't funny!  I don't know how to get down!"

"Well uh, climb down. Hey you're bleeding, Kurt." I covered my face and tried to think. The little girl tugged on his arm.

" He looks scared imma get Papa." She ran off towards the farm house. I clung to the tree, too afraid to move. I hated this already. Pretty soon the little girl came back with my uncle. I hadn't seen him in years. He hardly looked any different, just his black hair had a tiny bit of grey in it. He was tall and strong and lean.

"H-hi uncle Owen. I um I'm stuck in a tree. It's me, Kurt." He sighed and grabbed Chad by the arm.

"What is the meaning of this? Why did you pull that stunt after I told you to be nice? You'll be doing extra chores this whole week young man. Now git!" He swatted him with his hat and Chad bounded off.

"I'm so sorry Kurt. You know how young boys can get... Now, you say you can't get down? Okay I'm coming up." He handed Brianna his hat, and started scaling the tree. He got to were I was, hovering over me.

"Okay son turn around gently and hold onto me. I've got you I won't let you fall." I turned and clung to him, he started climbing back down the tree with me.  We​ got back on the ground and he clapped me on the back.

"Well it's certainly good to see ya my boy, it's been too long. How was your trip? " I started following him to the farm house.

"Oh uh it was a long trip."  I walked in the door and looked around. It was a wonderful house. It had stairs, it was all wood paneling.  There were lots of pictures on the walls. Even I was in one.

"Kurt, you're staying in the guest room. It's right up the stairs this way." I smiled and nodded, following him.  The guest room was small,  it had a twin bed that looked super comfy. There was a desk next to it. There was a drawer for my clothes, with a mirror. A window and a rug, and a closet. It was perfect. I set my one suitcase and guitar case on the bed.

"Thank you Uncle Owen." I turned around to him.

"No problem Kurt... However we need to talk." He shut the door and crossed his arms.

"O-okay Uncle."

"We both know why you're here. And I want you to know that I love you. And that while you're here I'm going to help you get better. But you've gotta let me help you. Also you're 19, so i have a few ground rules. I know you're a rockstar but the kids don't really know who you are or why you're here or being kept around. Also I know you're on drugs, and I know you have drugs with you... I'm not condemning you because I understand you're hurting but you have to give them to me right now. All of them.  You are getting clean while you're here.  You can still smoke, I mean I smoke it's not a big deal. I'd like to teach you the ropes on how to farm, nothing to strenuous but just a few skills. Also you're one of the family, you're my son from now on until you leave so we as a family eat dinner together every night at 5. So be there because you need some meat on your bones you way less than a pinecone." I teared up. He was being super nice. But I aslo didn't want to give up my drugs. But I did. I took them out of my suitcase and gave it to him.

"Thank you so much Uncle Owen. Thanks for taking me in." He smiled.

"No problem my boy. Anyway Kim is gonna help you settle in." Just then a tall girl walked in, she had dark black hair and a nice smile. Uncle Owen left the room​ and she waved.

"Hi Kurt, I'm Kim you're cousin."

"Hi Kim" I hugged her and she giggled.

"So Papa tells me you're 19. We are close in age want to try and be friends?" I nodded happily.

"I'd like that alot." She started putting my.clothes in the drawers.

"Anyway you met Chad. He's an asshole. And I'm so sorry about him. And honestly he's going to try and prank you again tonight while you're asleep. So it's best if you come stay in my room for the night.  I have a cot we can pull out. It will take him a few days to warm up to the idea of you."  I Smiled at her and hugged her.

"Thank you so much Kim."  She smiled and I finished unpacking my stuff and I decided I would lay down and take a nap. I kissed my picture of Courtney that I had beside my bed side and laid down. Falling into a deep sleep. This would be hopefully a good thing for me.

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