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My phone started ringing and I immediately rushed to answer it. I didn't even look at the caller ID. I just hoped and prayed that it was Vincent. "Hello?" I answered.


"Hello Rose parade."


"Err Christie, what do you want?"


"Feisty are we?" She chuckled. "Why are you in such a bad mood today?"


"I haven't talked to Vincent in a few days and he won't answer my calls or respond to my text messages."


"Then go over his house."


I was actually kind of shocked. Did Christie actually give me good advice? "Okay, what happened with you and Kai? Spill."


"That's why I was calling. I wanted you and the girls to come over so I could tell you all about it, but if you're having problems with Vincent then I guess I'll tell you another time."


"No! I want to know now. I'll be over there in an hour or so."


"Okay, bring marshmallows!"


I laughed and agreed before hanging up the phone and prancing down stairs. I waltzed in to the kitchen and looked around and saw Tom sitting at the table. "Hey Tom, do you know where my mom is?"


"He looked up from the newspaper he was reading and said, "No, I think she went to the grocery market. I'm sure she'll be back soon."


"Okay, thanks." I decided to wait for her. I went in the cabinet and found some chocolate chip cookies. I grabbed a glass of milk, four cookies and a plate. I sat at the table across from Tom and quietly ate my cookies. "Hey Tom," I mumbled.


"Yes? What is it?"


"I just wanted to say thank you. I never properly thanked you for letting me stay in your home."


"It's okay, there is no need to thank me. I think of you as my own child. I love you and your mother. I never even thought twice about you staying here."


"I also want to thank you for caring about my mom. To be honest, I was always a little skeptical of your marriage. I could never imagine my mom with anyone other than my dad. But you're a great guy, and I wouldn't want to have anyone else as a step-dad."


Tom smiled and stood up from his spit and gave me a hug.


"Well isn't this a sight to see." I glanced over to see my mom and dad walking through the front door. I smiled and pulled away from Tom.


"Hey mom, hey dad." I said, kissing them both on the cheek.


"Okay," My dad started, taking the groceries and sitting them on the counter top. "What do you want?"

The Art Of Seduction(Slowly Editing...)Where stories live. Discover now