Chapter 13

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Third Person P.O.V

Astoria didn't bother much with going to talk to Draco; she knew she would see him at the trials. The first day of their custody battle came and each party were to plead their case.

"Sir, Scorpius was dropped off at my doorstep when he was only a few days old. His mother never even told me she was pregnant. I have raised him since I was 17 years old and he has been my whole world ever since. I've been there for countless birthdays and countless holidays. I took care of him when he was sick. He is my everything and I need him in my life." Draco said.

"I haven't been a very good mother and I realize that now. Abandoning Scorpius was the worst mistake of my life and I can't take it back. I haven't been there but I want to be there now. I don't think its right for him to be in such a household." Astoria explained. "I came to see him and I want to be there for him now. I'm ready to be a mother."

"Alright we heard both sides," The minister announced. "Ms. Greengrass, you say you abandoned your son, what make you so sure you won't so it again?"

"Well sir, I've done a lot of growing up in the last 13 years. I want to be there for him now." Astoria stated.

"You say you're not happy with their living arrangement, why is that?" The minister inquired and she shook her head sorrowfully.

"Well he and Mr. Harry Potter are an item and I don't believe that lifestyle is right for the child to be living in."

"Well you left the child with him."

"That was before I knew."

"Mr. Malfoy, you're a former death eater, is that true?" The minister asked and Draco nodded reluctantly .

"I was forced into it yes."

"So you're saying you were."

"I'm saying I was forced into doing it, I was under the Imperius charm." Draco said.

"That's what you claimed 13 years ago."

"Not claimed, it's true."

"And you raised Scorpius all by yourself?"

"Yes sir."

"Would you say he's happy?"

"I would hope so."

"Mr. Potter, you are Mr. Malfoy's companion?" The minister questioned and Harry  nodded his head.

"He's my boyfriend yes." Harry replied.

"And you've seen him interact with his son."

"Yes sir, my son and his son are good friends."

"Very nice, would you say Scorpius is well taken care of?"

"Very much so sir." Harry answered.

"Is it true that Scorpius was in the hospital over the summer?"

"Yes but it was on my property and my son's fault. They were playing roughly and not paying attention. But Scorpius was taken care of by Draco."

"Alright we'll pick this up Monday morning." The minister declared. Astoria stayed back as the two men walked away to their car.

"Harry thank you so much." Draco hugged him tightly and said.

"Draco, I will do anything to help you get Scorpius back." Harry promised him, hugging him back.

"I love you so much."

Mistakes and Reasons (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now