"Don't act dumb, Irwin." Michael said. He always got annoyed whenever Ashton avoided any sort of question. Especially by feigning not knowing what they were talking about. Michael especially hated that. "What happened with you and Mia? Are you two like together again?"

"We sort of had a-um... a talk?" Ashton said but the words came out questioning. Michael obviously caught his hesitation and sat up; that Michael famous smirk plastered on his lips as he raised an eyebrow towards Ashton.

"You two hooked up, didn't you?" Michael teased, obviously having a party at Ashton's expense. And Ashton hated that, that Michael was having a blast at his expense.

"Okay, yeah so what?" Ashton said, his cheeks becoming flustered as he pulled off his shirt and put on a clean one (or at least he hoped it was a clean one). "It's not like she is a stranger or anything."

"No, she's not but you two have been pretty complicated from what Heather told m-" He cut himself off. His lips forming a thin line after he realized he had mentioned Heather.

Obviously Ashton and the guys knew all about his crush on her. It had started back in LA as well; but, unlike Ashton, he had decided not to pursue it. He had not seen the point since she had her eyes fixed on that other guy; a guy that Michael and Mia had helped her get, even if they were broken up now.

In Ashton's opinion, he had been an idiot for not pursuing it sooner, but maybe it worked better this way. Who would have thought they would be seeing each other again, he definitely had not expected to see Mia again.

"So you finally get the girl you like in your room while she's single and the two of you are alone and you spend all of your time discussing my relationship with Mia?" Ashton teased; his eyebrow arching in the same way Michael had earlier.

"Fuck off..." Michael said with a slight glare, his words a mumbled mess as they left his mouth.

Ashton chuckled and walked over to the bathroom, leaving the door open so he could talk to Michael still as he brushed his teeth.

"So what really happened with you two last night?" He asked, running his hands through his messed up curls. Wow, he really did look like a mess. No wonder it had been obvious he had hooked up with Mia last night.

"Definitely not the same things that happened between you and your Mia last night. Heather had this big argument with Mia after they left the restaurant. Something to do with her bumping into us at the airport and knowing we were in New York. She had no place to go to so she called me and asked if she could come over to our hotel." Michael said with a slight shrug.

"So you were her knight in shinning armor, yet again." Ashton pointed out as he leaned against the doorframe; there was no need to question it. It was simply how Michael was. "Are you still in the friend zone?"

"I don't know," Michael simply said. He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, obviously hating to be put on the spot. "At first when she got here things felt exactly the same as whenever we talk or when we hung out back in LA but the more time I spent with her, it began to feel different..." His words trailed at the end, his eyes unfocused, as he probably got lost in thought.

"Different how?" Ashton asked.

"I thought it was you who I heard in here!" Calum said excitedly as he barged into the room, making both Ashton and Michael jump. "Jeez, you two jumped just like Luke did when I walked in on him and April in their I love you war. You would think they were doing something worth being jumpy about."

Michael chuckled nervously; obviously trying to brush off the left over embarrassment he had from talking about Heather just moments before. Ashton just rubbed the back of his neck and sat on the edge of the bed.

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now