" You got the vest on? " I asked Michael.

He nodded his head. " I do. "

We got past the gate and before getting out the car we said a quick prayer. You never know what could go wrong in shit like this. We got checked by security before they led us down a bunch of hallways and then some steps. We finally stopped in front of this door and when it opened it was filled with men wearing all black. Like you see in one of them old Mafia movies. Standing in front of a desk, was the famous Pollo.

" Boys I see you made it. " He smiled.

I nodded my head. " Most definitely. "

" I'm glad. I heard around town you two just started but is already the best. Is that right? " He questioned.

" Yes. It is. " Tyga answered.

" Good. I have a job for you and I need it done tonight. Pronto. You get the job done and well you'll get payed an extra 25gs. " He said.

I nodded my head up and down. " We can do that. "

" Good. Now here's all you'll need to know .... "


Lola Martinez

After a few hours I was finally done cooking everything. Messiah was a crying mess the whole time I was cooking which made it very difficult, but I made it work. I placed everything on my long round dining room table.

Hearing multiple knocks on the door made me get up from the chair I was sitting on. Looking through the peephole, I seen it was Craig and Rayan. I opened the door and smiled.

" Finally. I thought y'all would never make it. " I exclaimed.

" Blame Craig's ass, I had to literally pull him from the mirror. " Rayan sighed.

I laughed. " Come in. "

I shut the door behind them and followed them into the dining area.

" It smells so good. " Rayan moaned.

" Hell yeah it does. " Craig added.

" Y'all can hang y'all stuff up. And get comfortable. " I said, going to check on Messiah.

After literally hours I finally got him to go to sleep. He was crying non-stop and nothing wasn't wrong with him at all. He was changed and fed, he just wanted to be in my arms all day but I had to cook. My poor baby. I went into his bedroom and seen he was still in the same position I put him in. I turned the temperature on warm just so he wasn't to cold or to hot, and kissed him before heading back out. Careful not to wake him up.

" Aw is Messiah sleep, I really wanted to hold him. " Rayan said pouting.

" Yes Rayan and don't wake him up either. You don't know how hard it was to get that little boy asleep. " I sighed.

" Aw. " Craig mumbled.

" Let's eat. " Rayan replied before digging in.

" Damn greedy ass. " I laughed.

" Sorry Lola but your food is just to good. " He laughed.

" What about grace fatass? " Craig questioned.

" Fuck you, your ass is fatter then mines. " He shot back.

I laughed. This was just like old times and if I didn't stop it now it would continue for hours. I could tell I was gonna enjoy my night with these two and I just prayed nothing ruined it.


King Martinez

I watched as his body fell to the ground. The guys he were with all turned around in different directions, drawing there weapons out. I made sure my silencer was on so they would have no idea what direction it came from.

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